33- Gabriel

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Run. Run y/n. Faster. Go faster! Shit, he's catching up! No!
Too late.
You were a vampire. No, you didn't eat humans. Yes, you ate animals. And yes, you were close with the Winchesters. You thought it would be okay with them, since Dean was once a vampire. Apparently you were wrong.
Dean chased you through the woods until you got to a factory, where you ran to hide. He followed you and without all the trees around, he caught up quick and pushed you down. You fell almost flat on your face, but you caught yourself and went to get up, but Dean pushed you down once more.
Dean went to chop off your head, end it all, but a body appeared before he could. Standing over you, protecting you from Dean, was Gabriel the archangel.
"Get out of the way, Gabriel," Dean ordered fiercely.
"No," he said.
"What?" Dean asked in disbelief. This was not like Gabriel.
"Did I stutter?" Gabriel cocked his head to the side. Dean's jaw dropped and Gabriel helped you up. You hid behind the archangel and he put his arm around your waist. "You will not hurt her."
"She's a monster! Worthless!" Dean cried. "She lied to us. Told us she was human! She's a monster and she deserves to die!"
"Shut your cakehole," Gabriel growled.
You felt your tears prickle at your eyes and you felt absolutely horrible. You didn't want this. You didn't ask to be a vampire. You just wanted a family, and you had that for a short amount of time.
Gabriel had never stuck up for you like that before. You were close friends, yes, but never before had he went out of his way to zap in and stand up for you. He knew you were strong, so he never had to come to protect you.
Thank Chuck he made an exception.
"Gabriel, why are you standing up for her? She's a vampire! A monster! A-"
"She's my girl, Dean! She's your younger sister! She's your family! You should love her as much as I do!" Gabriel shouted. "Who gives a shit if she's a vampire. You were a Knight of Hell and her and Sam still went after you! Why can't you accept that she's trying her best?"
"Because she's a monster!"
"Monsters aren't made from of blood, they're made from actions," Gabriel said. "Just go home if you can't accept y/n."
Dean huffed a loud growl of frustration and stomped out the door. You felt your heart drop at your own big brother stomping out the door because you were a vampire, and the tears in your eyes wanted to fall so bad. No, I have to stay strong, you said to yourself.
That was before Gabriel wrapped his arms around you.
As if it was a chemical reaction, you began to cry. His warm embrace was comforting and you felt safer than ever, but your heart still hurt because of Dean. He left you in that warehouse because of your species, and didn't even think about all the memories you two had together.
Finally, you managed to pull yourself together and Gabriel kissed your head. "You okay, baby?"
You wiped your eyes and your cheeks burned with embarrassment from the name. Sure, you called each other 'baby' as a joke, but the way he said it always made you blush. "I don't think I'll ever be okay anymore."
"I know how you feel," he promised.
"I know," you sniffled. Then, after you finally got to concentrate on the world around you instead of your life, you noticed that it was below freezing and you were only in a thin sweater. You let out a small puff of air and rubbed your arms, shivering. "It's cold out here."
"Here," he zapped you into a lovely room with comfortable furniture and a big TV. The walls were a neutral brown color and the carpet was a nice gray to match. Gabriel pulled you over to one of the couches and wrapped you in a fuzzy, black blanket. "Better?"
"Yeah," you smiled. He pulled you to his chest to warm you even more. "Why did you stand up for me back there?"
"I knew you were in danger. Dean's a stupid oaf. He was going to kill you and I couldn't let him," Gabriel said. "I love you too much."
"I love you too, Gabe," you smiled.
Then it hit both of you and you both went bright red.
"I-I-I'm sorry G-"
"My b-bad y/n-"
You both stuttered with embarrassment before Gabriel laughed quietly. "Look at us," he chuckled. "A couple of flustered teens."
"I think we're a bit more badass than a couple of teens," you laughed. "Well, Gabriel."
"Well, y/n."
"I think we both feel the same way for each other.... Maybe we could go on a date." You gave him a hopeful smile and he returned it.
"I would love to."
"Yay!" You pulled him into a happy hug and he pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, hugging you back. When you finally pulled away, Gabriel chuckled a little. "What?"
"It's just ironic. A vampire and an archangel. Together. Not something you hear everyday," he rubbed his neck.
"Gabriel the archangel," you stared him directly in the eyes. "I don't give two flying fucks about what you hear everyday."

Yay! Gabriel imagine! I love Gabriel too much but idc. I hope this is okay since its a bit longer than my other ones. Peace out cupcakes!

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