I Still Love You: D.J

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Do you think it's weird for a girl to be on a football team? Like a boys football team.

Well do I think it's weird? Hell no. I mean girls can be as strong as boys to. Some can even be stronger than boys. Most of the girls around the world are already kicking boys out of the picture. Like seriously most of the girls now are gay. Not that matters though. Anyway what I'm trying to say is that a girl could be on a all boys team and be leading them into so many victories.

I don't mean to brag but I'm that girl. Since my sophomore year of high school I've been in on the football team. Freshman year they were on a losing streak so when they had tryouts at the end of year for the next season. I tried out cause my dad always said I could run a ball and I also could throw one. So when I showed the coach what I could do he didn't hesitate to put me on the team. I mean I thought he would but he didn't. The team was actually really excited to have me on the team. Said something about having a girl on the team is exciting. Well at least they're not assholes.

I looked out to the side of the field. The cheerleader were there. Since they had practice as well. I got along with most of the cheerleaders they were actually really nice. And I'm also Kamila's best friend. Even though I'm senior and she's a junior. But that's okay. "Okay Y/LN let's run the play again. Lance you what to do." Coach said. I put on my helmet back and got ready. I thanked god for having team mates like Lance, Tweeder, Billy Bob and Mox. (If you know where these names are from. I love you.)


I let out a deep sigh once Coach let us go. Tomorrow we had a game so practice ran a little shorter. I said bye to the boys and walked towards where the girls were. I sat on bench as they ran over some dance for the cheer thing. I smiled and waved at Kamila she smiled brightly and waved back. She reminded me a lot of her older sister. They were like twins. I miss her. I really do. You're probably wondering how I know well besides that's she's Kamila older sister. Well when I was 13 and she was 15 we dated. She was first girlfriend and she was my first love. She ended things when they got off tour with Demi. She ended our relationship with a text. You could say it heart breaking. No, it was heart shattering. I tried to talk to her when she cam back but she came back with a boyfriend.

So yea she moved on.

Now it's been at least three years since the break up. I'd like to believe that I've moved on. I have also haven't seen her since the last time and that was three years ago. Every time she would come back from touring or whatever I'd try my best to not go anywhere near the Hansen house hold. So yea I haven't seen her since then. I don't even follow her on any type of social media.

I shook my head as I took off my practice jersey along with my shoulder pads. I put them back in my bag taking my shirt out and putting it on. I took off my cleats putting them in my bag along with thigh pads. I smiled as I saw my adidas chanclas. I looked back up once I was done to see that the girls were in a little huddle. Thank god they're done.

I picked my bag along with Kamila's. I took her water bottle out and handed it to her as I stood up. "Gaw thank you. Let's go. I'm hella tired." I chuckled and shook my head. "Alright come on."

The drive to her house filled with singing her heart out to Beyoncé. I had to hit the breaks which caused her to go forward and put a stop to her singing which made me laugh. "Y/N!" She hit my arm I laughed harder. "Alright relax. We're here." I went to turn off my car but then I saw expensive SUV in the drive way. So I stopped. Yea I'm not ready to see her. So no.

"Are you not gonna come in?" She asked with a small pout. I shook my head. "I'm actually tired so I'm gonna go home and just take a shower and sleep. But hey here." I took my away jersey from the back seat. "Do you still want to wear it?" She snatched the jersey from my hands causing me to slightly jump. "Of course duh. I don't want to be the only cheer leader with out a football player jersey. You know how embarrassing is that? Aw Y/NN it smells like you. And in a good why like mangos. I'll see you tomorrow." She kissed my cheek and got out of my car. I chuckled and drove off

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