Chapter 2.

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Specially dedicated to my one and only intisar_xx

Khalifa's POV

I woke up to the buzzing sound of my phone's alarm, immediately i turned it off i heard the adhan call for prayer, i said some du'as, got down from my bed and went into the bathroom, perfomed ablution, put on my jalabiya and headed for the mosque.

After prayers,i read the Qur'an for a while before returning back home to sleep.

Some zzzzzzz moments later....

Ya khalifa! Ya khalifa!, my little sister maryam called while shaking me to wake up

"Hey little one, whats wrong"? I asked, drowsy.

"You said you were going to help me with my assignment" she said pouting.


Yeah, sorry i totally forgot, bring it so i'll do it quickly and you'll be on your way to school, we wouldnt want my princess to be late for school now would we?"

"Nope, we wouldnt, here it is" she replied.

Maryam is 8 years old, the youngest in our house, though she disturbs a lot and ask too much questions, i really like her company and will do anything to make her smile.

Mathematics, For a year 5 student the assignment was too difficult, open senteces. I just solved it and gave her anyways.

"Thank you soo much ya khalifa,you're the best" she said.

"I know right!, run along now, the driver is waiting"

"Alright yaya, bye" she said and left for school.

i tried sleeping back afterwards but i couldn't, so i stood up, brushed and went up to greet my mum, hajiya intisar, we call her Ummi.

I salaamed as i got into her room. For a mother of 5 she looked really young ,Ummi was in her early 50's but looked 32, her beauty never fades. "Ina kwana Ummi" i greeted.

"Yawwa khalifa, an tashi lafiya(did you sleep well)?"

"Lafiya kalau" how are you today?

"I'm fine my baby, I made breakfast for you, go to the dining and eat".

"Ummi i'm 20yrs old, i wonder why you still call me baby" i said, faking a frown.

"Khalifa no matter how old you get,you'll always be my baby boy" Ummi said, making me smile.

Everyday i thank Allah for blessing me with such a mother. May Allah continue guiding and protecting her, Amin.

I exited ummi's room and went to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, i went to arrange some things in a section of the house as we had just moved in, since i had nothing else to do.

I finished secondary school about 2years ago but wasnt able to get admission into the schools i applied for here in Nigeria all because of their poor education system.

My father(Abba) agreed to send me to a school in turkey,though he preferred Nile university here in the coyntry. i'm presently waiting for admission, so for now i'm just at home.

After arranging those items, i went back to my room to check my phone, i had missed 2 calls from my friend, yasir.

Yasir and i lived in the same neighbourhood when we were much younger for about two years before they packed to gwarinpa. We grew distant a bit but still spoke over the phone.

When Abba told me were packing, i wasnt really happy at first, as i had made many friends in that area, but when he told me the address, I discovered that it was the neighbourhood as yasir's, which made me a bit relieved.

"Hey man,whats up" i said as he answered

"All good, you're at home right"? He said

"Yeah, i am. You wanna come over?"

"Yeah, we have some catching up to do and its been a while since i trashed you in fifa" he mocked

"Lol, well our television hasn't been set up yet, so i guess we'll have to play at your house" i told him.

"Alright then, sai kazo(till you come)"

I hung up and went into the bathroom to shower.

I put on a navy blue shirt that hugged my torso a bit and sky blue ripped jeans. Told Ummi i was going out and then strolled to yasir's house which was just several blocks away from ours.


I know this chapter was quite boring, i wrote it with sleepy eyes.
Please dont forget to:

Signed: Ahmad

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