Chapter 4

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"It is said that the greatest tragedy in life is not that people aim too high and miss, it is that people aim too low and hit." - E.A

   Today, being a tuesday i had an  afternoon class, urrgghh!.

   I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

   After i got dressed i went down to get yasir. On reaching his room i heard him talking with someone, which was weird because yasir barely brought friends home, he preferred to visit them instead. Due to the presense of the unknown friend i decided not to barge in, but knock.

  He came out after some seconds then i told him to please take me to school, he wanted to resist at first but i gave him the pity face, he couldnt resist that ;) .

  I went back upstairs to get something then went to the car, yasir's friend sat in the front so i decided to sit at the back, he looked so familiar but i couldnt quite remember.

"Amne, do you remember khalifa?" Yasir asked. By the mention of his name i kind of had an idea, but still not sure.

I just nodded, then the khalifa turned and greeted me, Just then did i recognise him fully.

  He was the quiet one among them, the boys in our previous neighbourhood.
  Our house was usually where they came to play, but i noticed he hardly ever played, he just sat there watching the rest of them, smiling atimes. He'd really grown.

  I answered his greeting and brought out my phone to chat.

  I dropped my phone after replying messages, social networks get boring these days.

  I could overhear yasir and khalfa's conversation, they were talking about school. Khalifa said he didnt like nile.

On hearing that i decided to join  the conversation.

"Why?" I asked, taking him off-guard.

"I just dont like the school" he replied.

Yasir kept trying to persuade him, i didnt know why until he mentioned that there will be no one to take me to school when he leaves for egypt.

Khalifa volunteered to, which was generous of him, but i didn't want that.

"No dont bother, Baba will get a driver for me before that time" i objected.

"Khalifa is the Nigerian vin diesel" yasir joked, then khalifa muttered something and punched him on his shoulder, i just chuckled at their funny behaviour.

A notification came in, i took my phone and continued chatting, till we reached school. I told yasir when to come pick me and then i went in.

I walked into the class and sighted ummi talking to a guy, before i could reach where they sat,the guy stood up and left.

"Hey bestfriend" ummi said smiling.

"Hey coconut head" i replied, earning a frown from her, she hates it when i call her coconut head, but its just irresistable as she does have a coconut shaped head. She calls me mango head too though :(

"Who is the guy that just left?" I asked her, laughing.

"Guess" she said grinning.

"Your new boyfriend?"


"Then i give up, you know am not good at guesses, just tell me" i told her.

"His name is Ashraf, from engineering department, he says he likes you"

"So?, who doesn't like me?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Don't be a bitch, he's a good guy, just give him a chance" she added trying to convince me.

"Alright, i'll think about it" i told her. The lecturer walked in and the class commenced.


Khalifa's POV

    The house was just boring and empty, everyone dispersed to one place or another. Abba was in lagos for a business meeting. Our first born zainab was married, the rest of my siblings were in school. I decided to go down and meet ummi in the kitchen.

I liked keeping my mum company when she cooked, i ended up learning how to cook as a result.

I was gisting with my mum in the kitchen when yasir called me, that we would be going to pick his sister in some minutes.

  Finally, somewhere to go.

  "just come over so we could eat first" i told him.

  "Just go on and eat, call me when you're done" he refused.

  "You know what?, lets go there first, then we'll eat when we get back" i suggested.

  "Alright, i'll pick you in 5 minutes"

    I told ummi yasir would be joining me to eat later, and then i went up to prepare. In about 5 minutes exactly, i saw yasir's call, meaning he was outside, i quickly put on a t-shirt, went out to meet him, then we drove off.


I'm so so sorry for the late update :( , i have no excuse, from now on i'll try as much as possible to update frequently. A very big thanks for being patient and keeping up. Don't forget to:

Signed: Ahmad

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