Chapter 3.

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  I stood outside the house and called yasir, he picked on the first ring, i told him i was outside then he came to take me into the house.

  The house looked really different, I had only been to it once, about 10 years ago. It was really quiet, one could only hear the sounds of birds chirping.

  We got into his room. He had posters almost everywhere on the wall, like a typical teenager. He set up the game and we began playing fifa.

   After winning him in about 5 matches, he finally accepted defeat then we decided to take a break and gist.

   "Whats up with school", i asked.

"Its all good, i just got admitted into some school like that in egypt, i'll be leaving on monday" he replied.

  "Congrats bro, i hope its the course you wanted?".

  "Yeah, computer engineering" he said.

  "I remember you were the geek back then, with your glasses, do you still wear them?" i asked, chuckling.

"Nah, glasses don't fit me, i switched to lenses a long time ago" .

  "So what about you, hows the school issue"? He asked.

  "Well i'm awaiting admission in a school in turkey, but Abba wants me to school here in the country" i told him.

  He was about to reply when we heard a knock on his door, he stood up and went to open it, i could hear him talking to someone, a female, though i couldnt hear their conversation. After like three minutes he shut the door and came back.

"I'm taking my sister to school" he said, long-faced.

  I almost forgot yasir had a sister, back then i rarely saw her, she was always indoor with their mum,i cant even remember her name, i wonder what she'd be like now.

"Alright, lemme be on my way home then" i said as i stood up to leave.

"No, we can go together, it wont take long" he tried convincing me.


"Ofcourse man" he assured.

  "Alright then, lets get going" i gave in.

We were waiting in the car when i heard the door open, i was too busy with my phone to turn.
"Amne, do you remember khalifa?" Yasir asked her. She just gave a curt nod, then yasir nudged me. i slightly turned my head, muttered a greeting, and turned back quickly to what i was doing(subway surfers), i didnt really get a glimpse of her though.

On our way there yasir brought up the topic we were discussing about earlier, he asked which school my dad wanted for me in Nigeria.

"He said Nile university" i replied, rolling my eyes.

"Oh really?, thats where amne schools, its a nice school you know" he said amused.

Amne, thats her name,i remember now, how could i forget.

"Yeah, but i dont like the school", i stated sincerely.

"Why"?, i heard amne's voice say, i didnt know she was listening to our conversation.

"I just dont like the school" i replied, she didnt say anything afterwards.

"just enroll, you'll like it" yasir said.

"Why are you being so persistent" i asked him

He laughed a bit before answering
"You see the thing is when i go to school on monday, there'll be no one to be taking amne to school, and i was just wondering...

"well, you should have just said so. I still have like three months at home, i could help out, thats if she would be okay with it" i cut him off.

"No, don't bother, baba will find a driver for me before that time" she said.

I kinda felt disappointed i didnt know why.

"Khalifa is the Nigerian vin diesel" yasir joked, i slightly punched him on his shoulder, making him whine.

"Shut up and keep your eyes on the road" i said to him. Amne chuckled and continued whatever she was doing with her phone.

Thats how the ride went, yasir and i kept on talking about random things till we reached the school, She told yasir the time to pick her up then went in.

It was my first time in the school, the environment seemed nice and comforting, from what i had seen though. But still, i didn't like it.

"Can we go around the school a bit" i told yasir.

"So now you wanna re-consider my offer huh?" He asked winking.

"No, its my first time here, i just wanna see how other parts of the school are".

He took me around and in about 15 minutes we were done and on our way back.

We reached just in time for zuhr, we prayed, then yasir dropped me back home.


So sorry for the late update, i've been quite busy. Thanks for keeping up. Dont forget to:


Signed: Ahmad

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