Ch. 10 (part 2)

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A cold breeze shot by, and we all felt its wrath.

"This sucks," Madison said, her arms wrapped around herself.

"You could always come cuddle." Bobby held out his arms and grinned.

"I'd rather freeze to death."

Miller riffled through the book, furiously turning page after page.

"Let's burn that thing." Bobby motioned towards the book.

"What, are you crazy? We need this."

"Is it magically going to turn into food?" Bobby's tone was mocking.


"Then burn it."

I turned to Bobby. "Why do you gotta be such an ass?"

"That isn't what you were saying that night, Summers."

"Bobby, shut up." Miller stood.

"Make me." Bobby stood.

I shouted. "Both of you can shut up."

The fire crackled. They sat back down. It grew quiet.

Bobby fidgeted with his hands, hunched over on his rock. "You don't know what it's like. What he's like."

"Yeah, having a rich daddy must really blow."

Bobby snapped. "Shut your mouth, Summers. You have no idea what you're talking about. Nothing is ever good enough for him. I'm never good enough for him." Bobby stopped talking, his jaw clenched.

I leaned forward, and in a low hushed voice I said, "I'm sorry your daddy's such a dick, but that's no excuse for you to treat women like your playthings."

His hands balled up into fists, and he held them hard against his thighs. "For the last time, I didn't do anything wrong that night." His tone grew louder.

I couldn't hold back. "If I hadn't gotten away from'd have--"

"I'd have what? Raped you? You wanted it, and you know it." He threw some dirt into the fire.

"I said no."

"Not at first. You were telling me how much you liked me, how hot I was, you told me to get my pants off."

"I never said that."

"Boy, you really were wasted."

"If I said that I would remember it."

"Whatever, I'm just telling you what I heard. I may have gotten a little aggressive, but I wasn't trying to rape you." His mouth found its way to a grin. " I'm Bobby Ferrari, I don't need to rape women, they come to me." He looked to Madison.

She pulled her arms tighter together. "Please. The only reason I let you have this was to take my rightful place as queen of the social scene." She feigned a smile. "If that meant putting up with ten minutes of grunting and sweating then so be it." 

"Best ten minutes of your life."

Madison scoffed at Bobby, and turned to me. "Yeah, he was aggressive, and yeah, maybe I wasn't into it, but in the end we both benefited from it. He got what he wanted, and I got what I wanted."

"That's not right and you know it."

"Not everyone's got it so easy, Adderall."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

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