Ch. 24 - Lock and Key

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They walked us down the narrow hall to the prison cell that awaited us. The bars were thick and not much space was left between. They pulled open the iron door and herded us in, locking it behind them. Down the hall they disappeared as we were left to rot in peace.

Bobby was shackled to a wall. "Even your might is no match for those chains, beast." They had taunted him before leaving us.

Madison sat with her legs curled up to her chest, her back against the cold stone wall. Miller was off in a corner, his legs outstretched, as he sat with his head down. I was somewhere between the two. My head looked towards the ceiling, unsure of where to hold my gaze.

I had lost the mask when they took us, and I was still in shock over what Miller had done, and more so the effect he had on me. Did I indeed have feelings of some kind for Miller? Feelings beyond friendship? And then there was Madison. That kiss. My head was bombarded with thoughts. I had no feelings for her in that way, but she clearly had them for me. And I could somewhat relate to how horrible she felt right now. I looked over to Bobby, alone, and chained to a wall. Pulling his wrists, trying to break his shackles. But it was no use.

"It's going to be alright. We'll make it through this." I tried to reassure them. I tried to reassure myself.

"Excuse me? Are you for real right now?" 

I looked over at Madison. "What?"

"Don't give me that never give up thing you do. Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you wanna keep going, you gotta give up."

I shook my head. "No, we can get out of this. We just can't lose hope--"

"Enough with your hope. This isn't a fairy tale. There is no happy ending. We are going to die." Her voice broke, and she tried not to cry.


She turned away from me, and covered her face.

"Maybe she's right, Adeline." 

"What?" I turned to Miller. "Not you too."

"I don't want to die, but...there's no way out of this. There just isn't."

"Come on, Miller, you can't give up. Please. I need you to not give up." I pleaded with him.

He looked off into the distance away from me, his face filled with expressionless fear. "I wish I could, but I can't."

"Bobby?" I looked over at him, still struggling with his chains.

"Save it, Summers." He growled. 

"Really? You're all against me?"

"You are the one who tripped."

"They threw something at my ankles."

"Whatever." Madison scoffed between muffled sobs, and hid her face.

"If I wasn't chasing you I'd never be in this mess." Bobby groaned as he tried breaking free.

"And if I hadn't followed after you all I wouldn't be dying right now."

Miller looked over at Madison. "You're not dying right now..." Miller looked away. "Whatever."

"So it's my fault I got cursed? You wanna blame me too, Miller?" 

"Adeline, I don't want to blame anyone. I just want to go home." His voice was silent.

The whole cell grew silent. Cold and quiet. A suffocating quiet. I slumped against the wall and closed my eyes. Trying to wish it all away.

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