11. Who are you?

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"I'll see you later Ash. I have a couple of errands to run outside." Rose said. I did not miss the way she was avoiding eye contact. I knew something was wrong. She never used to hide from me like this but I have been noticing the change in her since quite a while now. She was my best friend and I liked everything about her, even her shyness appears cute to me. She was not like other girls I have met. She was totally different and out of this world. But she seemed disturbed lately. The sparkle I once saw in her eyes was now gone. I tried to ask her about it, but she smartly avoids the topic. No matter what has happened, I will help her get through it. Even if she does not tell me anything.

"Right now? You can do that after school, Flower." I said to her and for once she met my eyes, but quickly looked away. "Umm it can't wait, try to understand Ash, please." She said once again looking at me and giving her best innocent face. Damn you! I always fall for that! Her green eyes were simply irresistible especially when she looks at me like that. I sighed and shook my head, "Fine but I'll go with you." I said, she was too quick to say no and that made me worried. Was she seeing someone? I don't think so, she would have told me if she were. I hesitantly agred and let her go. I trusted her to take care of herself.  "Okay but I want you back before the class starts." She smiled and nodded her head, "You got a deal." She said and gave me a beautiful smile before walking away. I watch her retreating back and wondered what could be so important that she had to leave like this in the middle of school.

I was worried sick about Rose, she left 2 hours ago and was not back yet. I could not leave school right now and search for her and even if I did, the question was where would I look? I have no idea where she went. She was not even answering her phone, I tried to call her a million times but the call goes on voicemail. I  just hoped she was fine.

I impatiently waited for the bell to ring so I could go out. I could not concentrate the slightest on what the teacher was explaining, my mind was occupied by her. When the bell finally rang I hurriedly rushed outside the school building and tried to call her again, this time she answered and I did not let her speak before started speaking myself, "Flower, where are you? Do you have any idea how worried I am?" I heard weeping and sobbing which got me worried even more, "Flower? What happened? Say something, are you okay?" "Ashton, it's me Teresa." Her voice was low and hoarse; it seemed she had been crying. I let her continue, "Rose, she...she got in an accident. I am at the hospital right now..." She paused, my heart stopped and I felt my legs carrying me to my car. I asked Teresa the address of the hospital and immediately went there.

I found Teresa at the reception doing some paper work, and reached her. "Where is she? What happened? How did it happen? Is she alright?" I did not stop with the questions, I just wanted to know that she was fine and it was nothing but a minor accident but Teresa's face told me otherwise. Her eyes were puffy and red like she has been crying for hours. She did not say anything for a while but her voice came eventually. "I don't exactly know what happened, the people found her near the bridge, soaked wet like she'd been drowning..."she paused, "they said she was hardly breathing when they called 911 and brought her here. When I came in, she was in the emergency room. They just shifted her to the ward and..."

"Where? Tell me the room number" I demanded cutting her off mid sentence, I just wanted to see her, know that she was fine. "105...but Ashton...wait!" I did not listen to her further and made my way where Rose was kept. My heart hammered in my chest thinking of all the possible scenarios that could have happened. She must be so scared right now. I entered the room and there she was, sitting on the hospital bed and staring into space. Her eyes were blank, her face held no expression whatsoever.  A bandage was wrapped around her head and a cast was on her left arm,  I saw her lips moving, she was saying something merely above a whisper. I got to her bed and called her, "Flower..." she did not listen, it was as if she did not hear me. I called her again but she was busy murmuring something under her breath. I got closer in order to hear what she was saying but it was barely audible. It seemed she was repeating one thing again and again.

My nearness caught her by surprise and one moment I was close to her trying to listen to what she was saying and the next I was on the floor holding my nose. What the... did she just punch me? In the face? It was almost impossible to believe. Since when did she get so violent? I got up still holding my nose, it seemed that it was not broken, thank God. "I can't believe you really punched me, Flower." I said but she just looked at me like trying to figure something out. And finally she said something which I never expected to hear from her. "Who are you?" she said, to say I was surprised was an understatement. I was hit by a ton of bricks

"Huh, me? You're asking me who I am? Flower, enough with the games please, I'm already worried sick about you." I said trying to convince myself that she was just joking and will now laugh at how silly she was being. But I was wrong, she was just staring at me like I've grown two heads.

"Why do you keep calling me flower? My name is Rose, not flower." She said. "Ashton" I heard Teresa coming in, she took my hand and brought me outside closing the door behind her. "What is wrong with her? Why isn't she recognizing me?" I asked her, worried and afraid to know the answer. The look Teresa was giving me right now was frightening and I knew something big happened, something that should not have happened at all. "She...she does not remember anything, Ashton. Her memories are gone, when she woke up, she didn't even know who she was. The doctor said she has Amnesia..." "wait... what? What do you mean she doesn't remember anything? You mean that she has no idea who we are? " I asked frantically, it seemed as my heart stopped and I was not breathing anymore.. How could she forget me? How could she forget..us? All those memories...

"No Ashton. She didn't even recognize me, her reports say she is suffering from amnesia, it's caused by damage to areas of the brain that are vital for memory processing. Amnesia can be permanent, unlike a temporary episode of memory loss. There is only a 40% chance that her memories will come back by time, we can't say anything about it. And...." Teresa continued to say something but I was not listening anymore, it was a lot to take in, she forgot me? She lost her memories? I could not help but wonder of all people why her? Why it always has to be her?

I knew she was hiding something from me, something big, but I was unable to figure it out. I had failed her this time, she almost looked lifeless whenever I saw her across the field during my football practice. She thought I don't notice her but little did she know, all I notice is her and only her. And now what's the use of all this? She does not even know who I am. But I know who she was, what she means to me. No matter what happens, I will help her remember everything. I will help her find all that she has lost. Her life, her smile, I will bring back everything that she has forgotten. I will not rest until I get her back.

AN: Thank You for reading!
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