28. The Plan

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"Jeez! I can't breathe woman! Oh sorry. MUM!"Aubrey protested when she was being crushed by Mom,her hugs haev always been bone crushing and now poor Aubrey was the victim. She just arrived home from the airport with Cameron, who was currently delivering her suitcases up in her room. "Welcome home, Aubrey." Mom greeted her, finally releasing her from her grasp only to be attacked by me. "Aubrey!" I squealed embracing my sister.  "Thanks. How are you two? Missed me so much?" Aubrey asked.

"Never been better. Yes we've missed you too much." Mom said, making me nod in affirmative. "Will I get a hug too?" Cameron came, sounding hopeful but I did not miss the teasing look in his eyes. I was happy for Aubrey, she deserved someone who loved her truly, and Cameron was kp definitely that someone. "Oh sure, Cam. You'll get a bonus punch too." Aubrey said, going closer to him with a smirk dancing on her lips. Cameron's eyes widened, he took a step back, "No thanks. I think I'll pass." He said, backing away but my sister had other plans. She literally ran to him and jumped in his arms. Wow! I've never seen this side of her. It's so cute! It obviously shocked him more than it shocked me, so he being himself, stumbled backwards and fell on the floor with Aubrey on top of him.

Mom's laughter could be heard from a mile, even I could not stop myself from laughing. They looked so perfect together. Both had their own madness in them. "Let's leave them alone for a bit." Mom whispered making me grin. We silently left for the kitchen. As soon as we were there, I hugged mom and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you so much, Mom. I love you." I told her. It was the best day of my life and I owed it all to her. She gave me my sister back, and we could live like a family again. "I love you too, Rose." she murmured in my hair before pulling away.

"You do realize you've put me, and a lot of people in problem. I mean how would we distinguish between you two?" She said in a playful tone. I thought about that. Maybe one of us could dye our hair or get a haircut? That would be a difference right? But I was not telling her that, yet. Who knew our same faces could bring us some benefit? "You'll know when one of us opens our mouth, I guess you already know how to recognize Aubrey." I told her, making her grin. She looked in deep thoughts by the way like she was planning something. Hmm...


"Ugh let me go you douche bag!" I yelled at Cameron, he was seriously enjoying the position we are in, with me on top of him. He shook his head," I prefer boyfriend." He said and then flipped us over so now he was on top. "I like this position better." He grinned, showing his perfect white teeth. Damn him! I tried to wiggle free from his grip but failed miserably, maybe I could just kick him where the sun don't.....As if he knew what I was thinking, he trapped my legs under his and pecked my right cheek. "Now that would've been too painful, Rey." He said, getting up. He pulled my hand to help me stand. I would be lying if I said that I did not like him being so close to me.

"Whatever. I need to take a shower." I said, feeling the heat rising to my cheeks, I instantly turned around and headed upstairs to my room. I faintly heard him call that he could join too and I blushed even more. What the hell was wrong with me?!

After a long, nice bath I changed into my favorite shirt that Rose had sent me, and blue skinny jeans. I was doing my hair when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I said. The door opened and my sister stepped in wearing the same shirt, with blue shorts. We both looked at each other and laughed. "Now that's exciting." I said, giving her a high five. She pulled her phone out and clicked our picture.

"I can't help but want to take advantage of this situation." She said, making me grin. "Come on let's go to my room. Cam is already there, we need to plan something for Laura. You know... how to free her from her excuse of a father." She told me. Yes we had to do something soon. Come up with a plan and execute it, but we have to call Laura first. "Yeah but call her. She needs to be there when we do the planning. She knows better, about his weaknesses." I said, "I've already texted her half an hour ago, she'll be here in five." She told me, we both took a deep breath before heading to her room.

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