18. Definitely not ROSE

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I was following Rose from her school, when I lost track of her. Looking around I just walked randomly hoping to find her. There were only a few people there so maybe it won't be much difficult to look for her.

"Help! Someone help!" I heard a distant shouting and ran towards the source of sound. A woman stood at the end of the bridge looking into the water. I followed her gaze and saw a figure, drowning. "Call someone for help. Quick!" I said to the woman and without thinking twice, jumped into the flowing water. My hands barely moved and I myself was struggling to get out, let alone save the drowning girl.

"Hold on!" I choked out and tried to reach her. She was not struggling, maybe she had fainted. Curse my tardiness, I should have learned how to swim. I somehow reached her and helped her to get out of the water. I was not very lucky for myself though, the water pulled me down and I was unable to go back up. Moving my hands frantically and gasping for breath I caught someone's attention. "Aubrey!" I heard a distant voice. I was about to look towards the source when something hard hit my head. A wave of pain shot through my skull and I instantly lost balance. Not that I was balanced before.
I could feel the water closing in and my throat was burning. I was not struggling anymore, I did not have the strength to. I left my body free for the water to engulf me when I felt someone or something pulling me upwards. The next moment I felt the cold air hit me like piercing through my skin. I coughed, feeling the water burn my throat. I saw a face hovering over me, dull green eyes, blonde hair, I could not recognize that face, I did not know why.

"It's all my fault." I kept hearing over and over again before I blacked out.

"Rose!" I woke up breathing heavily. After a shocking encounter with Kayla and Cameron, I sent them home asking them that I needed some time to think. Ash was worried when he saw my face, I was still in shock about what had happened. At first I thought Kayla was crazy that she thought I was Aubrey, but now that I remember everything; every second of my life that I had forgotten, I realized she was right. 

I realized that the life I was living was not mine, it belonged to my sister. But I also remembered the misery she was in before the accident. God knows where she was now and why the hell did she leave me in her place.

How will I tell mum...Teresa about it? I would have to tell her sooner or later if I needed her help in finding Rose; and Ashton... I think I should tell him first, see how he takes it and if he helps me find his best friend. Chances are: that he will; he would do anything for Rose, I guess. I got out of bed and called Kayla, "I want to see you right now, meet me at Starbucks in twenty minutes." I said as soon as she picked up her phone. "Got it. Be right there." I heard her say before hanging up.
I waited at Starbucks for Kayla to arrive, tapping my fingers on the table. I saw her come in and just as she reached me I engulfed her in a bone crushing hug, like I used to. "I'm so sorry to have you worried." I whispered as tears fell from my eyes. I could not even imagine what they have been through while looking for me. "It's okay, it doesn't matter now." she said and we both settled down, I looked behind her hoping to see Cam but he did not appear. "Where is your stupid brother?" I asked her and she smirked. "He didn't come. Asked me to go alone saying, 'I don't want your best friend to claw my pretty face out, now that she remembers.'Those were his exact words." She said, I laughed at how crazy and childish he was being, he doesn't even have the guts to face me now? Afraid much?

"So, you mean that douche bag chickened out?" I said with a glint of mischief, he was so going to pay when I see him again. "Kind of. It's not his fault though, you can be scary." She pretended to shiver and joked then we both burst out laughing, catching attention from the people around us. Kayla turned serious after that and by the looks of her I knew what was coming my way, "Tell me Aubrey, honestly. Do you like him like that... I mean is that why you two never got along?" she asked. I was wondering how to tell her this; sure she had the right to know. I decided to tell her later, because then was not the time. There were other things which needed to be figured out first.

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