31. A New Beginning

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It was good to finally be home, I never thought my life would take this unexpected turn. I finally had everything I ever wished for. It has been two days since mum approved of Cameron, we were officially dating and I still could not get used to the fact that he was my boyfriend. Mum enrolled me in school and I would be joining from tomorrow as a new student. When I thought about the things that happened these past months, I was glad that it was finally over. I was sitting on the small couch at the balcony wearing my pajamas looking at the night sky. I rested my arms in my lap holding the warm cup of coffee between my palms. The weather was unexpectedly chilly tonight, I felt the cold breeze brush past me and closed my eyes to savor its gentle touch. I heard someone enter my room, but I did not turn around to look who it was.

Rose stood by my side in her pajamas, her hair was messily tied above her head in a small ponytail. She looked healthier, happier then the last time I saw her at the coffee shop. I smiled looking at her, "What are you thinking?" she asked sitting beside me, as though trying to read me. "About life. How drastically it changes. I thought I lost you eleven years ago but here you are safe and sound in front of me. This was the best turn my life has taken, it has given me you once again. It has given me yet another chance to protect you and make up for the time we've lost." I answered looking up at the sky. It was awfully breathtaking tonight, things seemed to have fallen into place and everything was beautiful. Rose rested her head on my shoulder, "I can't tell you how grateful I am to destiny for uniting us, life without you never felt complete. But now that you are here I feel whole once again." She said, I saw her eyes were glistening under the moon light, looking at her was like seeing myself. She was the mirror to my soul and I was to hers.

I rested my head on hers and we sat there in silence enjoying each other's presence until she pinched me on my thigh. "Hey what was that for?" I nudged her playfully, she giggled and pulled at my hair lightly before getting up, "You've gotten so boring Aubrey." She teased before running back inside my room. She did not just say that. "Wait here you..." I was quick to dump my coffee cup on the floor and ran after her. As soon as I entered my room, I was hit by a pillow on my head, "Come on Aubrey, show me what you got." Rose grinned from the bed, she stood on it holding another pillow and threw it in my direction. I tried to dodge it but lost my footing in the process and I fell on my butt. Rose burst out laughing and I joined her too, "And here I thought you were the clumsy one." I said to her and charged towards the bed with pillows in hand. And a very interesting pillow fight began.


I woke up at the sound of my alarm the next morning and turned it off before deciding to go back to sleep, but right that moment Mum chose to barge into my room. "Here you are! I thought one of you ran away when I saw the other room empty." She sighed in relief. Rose ended up sleeping in my room last night and surprisingly she was still asleep, it was strange because she always woke up first. Mum opened the curtains and a bright ray of sunlight spread through the room. I covered my head with the pillow. "Mum let me sleep!" I complained, I did not want to wake up yet.

"Not happening, Aubrey get up." She pulled away the pillow from my face. Rose chose that time to wake up, "Good morning." She murmured sleepily rubbing her eyes like a kid.

"Good morning. Now come on ladies, get dressed quickly, you have school to attend." Mum said, reminding me of school. I was wide awake now at the mention of school. I suddenly missed Kayla and Violet, they would not be with me anymore. I sighed and ignored the thoughts, this was a new beginning, I must give it a good start. Rose was already leaving my room, "I'll see you downstairs Aubrey." she said before giving me a heartwarming smile and walking out.


The hallways were familiar and packed with students. I have been to this place before several times yet it felt like it was the first time I was walking through this corridor. It was still the same, everything was the way it was. Maybe the one who changed was me, I have been to this place as my sister, but now I was here as myself, that was why it felt different. Nobody seemed to notice me, they still thought I was Rose. A few people even said hello.

Rose was with Ashton, I asked her to join class with him while I take me schedule from the office. She was most probably in class. I grabbed my schedule and the keys to my locker from the office, the receptionist looked at me weirdly but did not say anything. As I was leaving the office my phone went off, it was Cameron.

"Good morning sweetheart. Ready for your first day at school?" Cam said as soon as I answered the phone. A smile graced my lips just by hearing his voice. "Good morning. It's not the first time I'm attending school, Cameron. I've been here before, it's nothing new." I said walking towards the classroom. The shrill sound of final bell was heard and I knew it was my cue to be ready. "Yes but now you are there as yourself. That's different. Anyways I just called to wish you good luck. I gotta go now or else my boss is going to eat me alive." His voice came distant and I heard someone shout in the background. That made me laugh, " Thanks Cam. I'll talk to you later. Bye." I was about to hang up when he said, " Don't forget to miss me.." and the line went dead. I tucked my phone back inside my jeans pocket and stood at the entrance of the class.

The teacher was already inside and the class was full of familiar faces who were awaiting to welcome me. Mr. Parker announced my arrival and I entered the class, it did not take a moment for the murmurs to start. "Oh Rose. You're late, be careful next time. Come and have a seat." Mr. Parker said to me, he thought I was Rose. I chuckled and shook my head, "Umm I'm already here, Sir." Rose raised her hand from her seat and the whole class turned to look at her. The chatters were louder than before and everyone was pointing towards me. My eyes rested on one face I perfectly recognized as Emily's. She looked like she had seen a ghost.

Mr. Parker silenced the class and the room was quiet once again. I stood beside the teacher's desk and cleared my throat. I could see Rose and Ashton grinning from their seats. "Hello everyone. I transferred here from Stanverse and as you can see I'm Rose' twin sister. My name is Aubrey Maxwell. I hope to have a wonderful year with you ahead." I introduced myself, the class once again erupted in murmurs. That was the beginning to something special, something different and I could not wait to conquer the challenges that were to come ahead. I know I would have to face a lot ahead of me but I was willing to go through anything as long as I have Rose, and the people I love with me. 

Life is not always fair. Sometimes it creates big problems and tests us in many situations, it's like an endless battle. But the important thing to do is never lose ourselves in this battle. I've learned to jam myself into the molds of life. Hold onto the happiness that comes my way and let go of the sorrows. Not everyone wishes best for you but the one who do, respect them and wish best for them in return. No matter what happens, no matter what people say, it's never worth losing yourself, it's always important to stay strong.


A/N: It took me a lot if time to finish this story. I'm sorry for that. Exams and university kept me busy and I couldn't update. This is finally the end of  Virtually Identical. I'd really appreciate your views about this story.

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