The Unsub

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Reid woke to the sound of his alarm, smacking it off the bedside table. That was the first night in a long time Reid was able to sleep all the way through. The last time that happened Reid was high of his nut on drugs.

He managed to pull himself from underneath the covers and drag himself to the bathroom, picking up his towel on the way. The hot water bounced on Reid white pale skin, running down every bump and curve, Reid, tracing the running water with his fingers. He never truly liked his body, they lack of muscle and fat. Everyone always moaned at him for being so skinny, telling to put on weight, but as much as Reid hated it, he didn't mind it. His fingers found their way to his arm, were he could feel every bad memory, every regret, every sad moment he has felt. The handmade scars from when he was an 11 year old college student right up until his 2nd year of being an FBI agent, despite only being a year since his last slip, they were still raised and purple. And the scars from when the drug entered his veins. This was the part of his body he despised, the part he wish never existed.

His team knew of his drug problems, it wasn't exactly hard to hide, he was coming into work fucked nearly every day. But not once did they offer him any help, he had to fight alone. Reid was fine with that, as much as he wanted someone he always felt a burden to them, and for the cut scars, no one knew about them, beside maybe JJ who saw his fresh marks in the first year. He was heading out for lunch with her when he dropped all his files on the floor, the pair bend down to collect them up and as Reid reached for one his shirt cuff slipped up revealing the fresh red line carved into his skin. He noticed immediately, pulling his sleeve down before JJ could see anything, but it was too late, she was already looking at him with sad eyes. But she never asked why, or when, just gave him a hug and a loving smile, and that was enough for Reid.

Reid was stood in the shower long enough that the water had gotten cold, but he didn't notice until he snapped out of his daydream. He released his arm from his tight grip, not releasing he was doing so, turned off the shower and walked out. His towel had be sat on the radiator so was nice and warm. He draped it around his waist and headed into the bedroom.

In the other room, Morgan was up, dressed and sat at the table with a coffee in hand. Hotch walked out of the bathroom fully suited and booted, black suite, dark red tie and boring black boots. "Coffee?" Morgan offered.

"Please" Hotch sat down at the computer screens and switched them on. Morgan walked over towards him and handed him his coffee before sitting down in the chair next to him. "Do you think the kid will be alright?"

"What makes you say that?" Hotch took a sip of his drink and looked at Morgan.

"It's juts, with all the kid has been through this past year, do you think it wise he go undercover? I mean, anything could happen to him"

"Morgan, if Reid didn't think he could handle it he wouldn't be here and I certainly wouldn't put him out in the field if I didn't think he was ready"

"Maybe you're right Hotch but still he's still young, everything that has happened to him and only being 24, it's just not fair"

"Life's not fair Morgan it's how we make it" Morgan gave Hotch a little smile and looked back at the computer screens. They both watched as Reid left the bathroom, they still didn't feel right watching the kid but they had to take measures. Hotch had already looked at the footage from the night before making sure everything was good, which it was.

Reid grabbed his phone from the bed side table and sat on the edge of the bed. 1 new message. He opened it and smiled, it was from Mitsuki.

"Hey Beautiful, can't wait for tonight J is it weird to say I couldn't stop thinking about you last night? Anyway give me a ring when you can, need to ask you something xx"

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