An end to a secret

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The team had been sat in the same room since 9:30 this morning, if they stay in there any longer, they are sure to go mad. They were all sat around the table, Morgan looking through the case photos, Hotch and Rossi discussing in the corner, Reid and Emily were working on the geographical profiling of victimology and JJ was on the phone to the media, trying to stop them from giving this guy a name. So far, there trying to call him 'The Brookyln Ripper'. Nothing new or original but giving these guys a name no matter what, struck fear into the publics hearts.

"Have we got enough for a profile?" Emily asked. This case just seemed to be getting harder and harder, the unsub was good, he left not trace of himself behind, the footage of him in Spencer's apartment brough up nothing, they were stuck with no leads and no hopes of going forward. "Nothing! We need him to make a mistake, and a big one at that" Rossi replied.

"JJ did you release the information to the media?" Asked Hotch.

"I did it yesterday sir, hopefully he will phone"

"Good! Garcia, make sure to be ready to track the call and look over any cctv footage in and around the area of the last crim scene". Hotch never looked panicked, he always looked calm and ready for anything, everyone always wondered how he can be so calm in situations likes this, but over the years they've come to realise that most of the time he is more worried then they are, he just knows how to put on a face.

"Sir, we have a bit of a situation out here..." The Captain said as he opened the door. It was nearly midnight so practically all officers had either gone home or were out on night duty. The team all hurried into the main part of the precinct, where there they were met with a surprise. A tall man was shaking and covered in blood, his blood. His face was battered and brusied, you can see he'd been crying as tears marks cut through the blood stains. The officers on duty were trying to help him as the team came out, he just stood there not knowing what to do. "Mitsuki!" Reid rushed over, he recognised him almost instantly. The guy's all looked at Reid as he darted towards the beaten man, looking at one another. "Agent, you know this man?" asked the captain.

"Yeah, he's um..." He looked at his team mates. "He's a friend of mine" Rossi was hoping for another answer to leaves Reid's mouth, but hemust admit this really isn't the time to be outing himself. "What on earth happened to you?" Mitsuki to darted towards Reid and embraced him. He wrapped his arms around Reid's waist, and hid his head in his neck as he burst into tears. The team all watched, they knew who Mitsuki was, it wasn't as if it was hard to remember seeing you're 'Straight' team mate make out with another guy in the middle of a club, all for a case.

"Hey, hey! What happened?" Reid lifted Mitsuki's head, placing both hands on the lower part of his face and raising it to meet hiis. "Tell me please" Mitsuki sniffled as he tried to hold back the tears, Reid guided Mitsuki to a chair and knelt down in front of him. "H-hee just came out" Mitsuki took in a breath."Of nowhere, he hi-tt me over the head. I was walking back from the club, I was waiting for you're text but it never came so I just went home"

"Shit!" Reid looked down and shook his head, he had completely forgot he was meant to have texted his address to Mitsuki, Reid feels heis partly to blame in this. "I'm so sorry! We've been so busy here I just forgot"

"It's not you're fault" Mitsuki grabbed Spencer's hand and held it in his, Rossi hid the smile the rose on his face, the others just looked, they knew Reid was 'Pretending' to be gay to the case, so they went along with this. The captain lent over to Hotch "I thought they were just friends?" The captain looked at the pair, confused.

"It's a long story, it's not how it looks" Hotch explained the situation whilst Reid continuted to help Mitsuki.

"Did you see what he looked like?" Mitsuki nodded.

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