Dr Spencer Reid

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Reid headed back to the apartments, he needed to tell the team of what he discovered. He knows that they'll ask questions about how he obtained the information but he already had the figured out. He like's Mitsuki, and he's pretending to be a gay man, why not use that to his advantage, pretend to start dating Mitsuki to hide that fact he really is dating him. Reid went over and over in his head what he was going to say to Hotch and Morgan when his phone went off. "Reid" Why they use their last names to answer the phone always puzzled Reid.

"Come to the station" It was Hotch, he sounded desperate in a Hotch kind of way.

"What? Why?"

"Just do it Reid" Hotch hung up the phone and left a very confused Reid on the other side.

Mitsuki dumped his bag on the floor near the door, he had a small apartment, and boxes were still freshly packed. He knew he told Spencer that he live elsewhere but he didn't really know the guy. He felt bad about lying to him but it's not like it's fully a lie. He is moving to Virginia, but not till next week. Mitsuki rummaged through the packed boxes looking for one in particular. "Found you!" One of the boxes right on the top held all his technology, right on top was his laptop. He barely used it and when he did it was last resort.

Mitsuki put the laptop town on the table, and sat in front of it. He grabbed the packet of smokes that were in his pocket and his lighter, pulled on out placing it in his mouth as he opened up the laptop. Taking a draw on his cigarette and breathing out the dirty grey cloud of smoke. Mitsuki opened his laptop and went to google, and put in one thing, one name. "Spencer Reid". Mitsuki scrolled down till he found an article that was written by a 'Dr Spencer Reid', he clicked on the link, and there he was, his Spencer, the guy he met in the bar. A photo was at the top of the article, a photo of him giving a lecture and a police seminar, with a title reading 'Profiling 101'.

Mitsuki read the article, read about who Reid was. He starred at the screen as he rubbed his face, he took another draw of his cigarette and went back to google search and this time he typed in 'Dr Spencer Reid', and the moment it opened, it was filled with hundreds of articles and papers written by Dr Spencer Reid, photos of him and then there was one link that caught his eye. 'FBI Agent Dr Spencer Reid...' He opened it up and there he was again, this time he was younger, he knew it was him the moment he set eyes on the picture but Reid was younger, skinner, his hair was shorter. But it was him. "The BAU team welcome new member to their team, young Dr Spencer Reid, only 22 years old becoming the youngest FBI agent the bureau has ever had" Mitsuki closed his laptop, and sat back in his chair.

Mitsuki didn't know how to feel, he was angry, confused, upset, hurt and so many more feelings poured through his body, through his veins. He didn't know what to do, he picked up his phone and scrolled down to Reid's name, Mitsuki just starred at the phone before turning it off.

"What's wrong? Why we at the Station?" The team were all waiting for Reid to turn up, they had to tell him that someone was in the apartment was night. It was kind of good that the Unsub left a photo behind, and they don't have to explain the 5 camera's located around his apartment. Reid walked through the door and put his messenger bag down on the chair. He didn't even need to hear the response, on the board was the photo that Mitsuki had shown him, fear began to rise up in his body. "Did Mitsuki give you that?" he pointed to the photograph.

"Mitsuki?" Morgan asked.

"The guy from the bar..."

"Oh right, the one you kissed?" Morgan smiled but Reid just gave him daggers.

"Why would Mitsuki give us this image?" Hotch asked. Reid walked over and took the photo off the bored, he looked on the back but this didn't have the same phrase written on the back, this just had 'Preccator'. "Reid"

"Mitsuki received the same image of me this morning, I had just left after meeting him when you called Hotch" Morgan gave a kinky wink, Morgan hadn't learnt he always had to find a way of winding the young agent up. "Enough Morgan. Did he say anything else?"

"No only that he found it taped to the door" Reid was trying to avoid the back of the image, the team obviously knows about him and Mitsuki, but he's worried that they will find out what they believe to be fake and part of the job was al true. "Why did you look at the back of the image Reid" Hotch looked at him, 'Shit!' Reid thought. "No reason"

"Reid..." Hotch looked at him, well it was more of a glare, Hotch's eyes were always harsh, but they had this slight shine to them, this normally showed when he was with Jack or when one of the team where in trouble, or having a hard time. "Honestly it's nothing" Reid gave a false smile before putting the photo back on the board.

"We've found another one" One of the police officers burst through the door, the team didn't even hesitate before they were on the move. Reid was about to leave to follow after them but his phone went off. "Be there in a minute" The others had already left the room, Reid looked at his phone 'Mitsuki'. "Hello"

"Hi" Mitsuki's voice was different, it was harsh but still soft.

"I can't talk right now, I've got to go..."

"I know who you are..." Reid stopped in his tracks, his bag was in his hand, stopped in the frame of the door. "What are you on about Mitsuki?" Reid was confused, what was Mitsuki on about. Reid was about to say goodbye but before he had the chance. "Dr Spencer Reid".  


Mini Chapter - hope you guys like it, I wanted to carry this on but due to how this is ended i kinda want to keep it like this. So think of it as part 1 of 2 part chapters :)

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