Reid's done

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They all watched their team mate on screen, but not one of them realized he wasn't in frame anymore and before they knew it. "Enjoying the show" Reid was stood in the door way, his face red with anger. They all jumped, not knowing what to say there all starred at Reid. Reid was literally just standing there only wearing his lounge pants, upper body free of clothing, you could the scratches, hickeys and such from the rough night. But what Reid forgot was the deep purple scars sat on his wrists and up his arms. They didn't say anything. He was literally a tall skinny ball of anger. "Reid let me explain" Hotch moved away from the table and closer to Reid.

"What's there to explain?" Lines appeared on the top of Reid's brow, his fist clenched by his side. "How many?" Hotch didn't say anything. "HOW MANY?" Reid shouted which startled everyone, its rare they see Reid angry, let alone shout.


"Are you fucking with me right now?" Reid bite his lip, placed his hand on the back of his neck and moved on spot, trying to calm himself down. "And you all knew about this?" Reid was speechless, it head was wasn't clear, normally it would take him 1.4 seconds to process information, but he couldn't think straight. Nothing was clear, he tried to think of logical explanations to why they would have done this, but nothing came to mind. He trusted them. "Reid it's no one else's fault but mine" Hotch was only 4ft away from Reid now.

"So, what? Guess you saw everything then? Pervert"

"Reid calm down!" Reid moved closer to Hotch, almost getting in his face.

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down Aaron!" Reid was scary. "There are five cameras in my room and your all sat in here watching as if I was in a fucking movie!"

"Reid there in there for your own safety" Reid huffed. "The unsub breaks into the victim's homes, rapes them, beats them before killing you honestly think we'd make you a target and not make sure your safe?"

"Don't bullshit me Aaron...why didn't you just tell me about them then?" Hotch stumbled, he didn't know how to reply, Reid was mad already. "ANSWER ME HOTCH!"

"I wanted to make sure you weren't back on drugs!! Okay!!" Reid's eyes widened. He was shocked, Hotch was spying on him to see if he's on drug, why didn't he believe when he told him?

"What?" Reid was shaking in anger, and without a thought, Reid darted at Hotch, Rossi and Morgan got in the way just in time and pulled him back. "FUCK YOU AARON! FUCK YOU! I TOLD YOU I WASN'T ON DRUGS AGAIN YOU'RE MEANT TO FUCKING TRUST ME YOU DICK" Reid was going insane, the girls moved away, JJ had tears in her eyes and so did Garcia, Reid was scaring them, for the first time, they were terrified of Spencer. Reid broke free from Morgan and Rossi's grasp. "I told you I wasn't back on drugs, but god to I fucking want too!" The girls hated seeing Reid like this. "I miss that feeling of being high and being pain free!"

"Do just enjoy hurting yourself Reid because that's what it looks like" Morgan cut in this time, he hated seeing the kid like this, seeing what he's done to himself.

"Tobias started it!"

"Did he start those as well?" Morgan pointed to the scars the roamed Reid's arms. He looked down and panicked completely forgetting to put on a top. He tried to fold, his arms but what use was that know he had been stood there for the past 5 minutes they would have saw them. "That's none for business Derek"

"Why do you do this to yourself Reid? I don't understand"

"Shut the fuck up Morgan"

"Why am I hitting a nerve Reid? Were just here to help you"

"Help me?" Reid gave a fake laugh. "Okay then where the fuck was you when I was struggling? When I was dosing myself up with Dauladid nearly every night? Where the fuck was you when I practically cried out for help? You wanna know why I do this to myself because I'm alone, because it's either this or kill myself" Everyone was taken back by what was coming out of Reid's mouth, the girls just let their tears rolled down their faces, everyone had so much to say yet it was so quite. "Instead of asking, you put cameras in my apartment and watch me, see if I get 'high' again"

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