...And then it wasn't.

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Over the course of the day, JJ had stayed with Reid and Mitsuki headed home to pick up a few things as he was going to be staying with Reid for a while. They had one of the officers to escort him home, the Unsub had targeted him, Reid couldn't risk anything happening to him. 

JJ and Reid were sat at the kitchen table both had tall glasses in their hands filled with a red liquid; wine. Sometimes they would love and enjoy themselves, other times they will have serious discussions about things. Reid had told JJ about his experience in high school when he came out and how he didn't want the same reaction from this team mates, he didn't want to ruin things. He told her about his first boyfriend and how he turned out to be a complete freak, who enjoyed feet way to much, Reid squirmed at the thought of it. 

JJ told him about Henry and the few problems she had been having with Will, even they had sorted it, she still wanted to fill him in as the girls know, she wanted him to know also. 

More and more time had past, and more and more Reid began to panic. Mitsuki hadn't called or text him, he had been gone nearly 2 hours already and he only lives 20 minutes down the road. Reid was shaking, he knew he felt more then just 'Like' towards Mitsuki, he knew his feelings were developing at a rapid pace, but never has he experience such fear, not knowing where he was, not knowing if he was safe or not was terrifying him. "Spence what's wrong" Reid was looking at his watch. 

"2 Hours"


"Mitsuki has been gone nearly 2 hours" JJ looked at him, too she started to worry, but she didn't want Reid to see, if he saw she was worried to then it will make matters worse. "It's okay there's probably just traffic"

"JJ, he would have phoned me"

"Okay, look. I'll call the attending officer, see if everything was okay" JJ stood up, taking her phone out from her pocket. The phone rang...and rang...and rang. No answer. JJ just look at Reid. She tried again, and the same thing. Ring....ring....ring. Panic filled JJ, she looked at Reid and he knew, he knew something was wrong. Reid jumped up quickly, grabbing his coat and car keys. "Spencer what are you doing?"

"Going to find him" JJ didn't have time to tell him to go or not to go, she didn't have time to get the others, instead she just ran out after him. 

It was rare for Reid to drive, when he did he was careful, but not now. Now he was racing down the streets, swerving in and out of other cars, sirens blaring alerting people around him. Letting them know what there was danger, letting them know his boyfriend could be in serve danger. "What are you doing?" Reid looked over to JJ. 

"Calling Hotch?" 

"Why?" Reid didn't want that, he didn't want Hotch there, after everything, he hated him. He didn't want him near Mitsuki. Because of him Mitsuki could he in terrible trouble. "He can help Spence! I know he isn't exactly in you're good books at the moment but he is still our boss"

"Fine!" Reid didn't even look at her. "But could you wait until we know there is definitely something wrong" JJ nodded and placed the phone back into her pocket. 

"Spence, don't panic okay. I'm sure he's completely fine, maybe his phone has just died"

"If it died JJ how was I able to ring him earlier?" JJ didn't say anything, nothing she was telling him was making him feel any better. At this moment in the time the only thing they could do was hurry up and get to Mitsuki's house so they can know for definite. After driving for another 5 minutes they finally pull up outside Mitsuki's apartment complex. It was a nice looking place, in a low risk area, if someone came here that wasn't from around here, people would know. 

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