Chapter 36 🌙

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Shinji's POV

Sorting everything out with Gaara was a lot easier then I expected. I explained Haru's situation and he almost immediately agreed to letting her stay in Suna for the time being. The fact that he now knows that she is apart of a notorious organization that nearly killed him not too long ago worried me.

To my surprise he disregarded that! At least I know I have that much under control. . .

His pesky siblings however were extremely reluctant on letting Haru in the village despite the blonde one being her friend or whatever. I don't trust them but I suppose I'll have to deal with them for the time being. Temari, the blonde one, was more open to the idea then puppet boy.

Kankuro, Sasori wannabe number one, was in total disagreement with letting Haru in the Sand village. In fact he was threatening to fight me with every movement I made. Eh, I would insult him but to be quite honest he was being reasonable. 

So after meeting with the kazekage I quickly left Suna, heading directly to the akatsuki base. I don't know how I'm going to tell leader-sama that his student has been immobilized and is in a critical health condition. It's quite obvious that Haru is his favorite member by far.

Even though Haru would disagree, Leader-sama has shown her favoritism from the moment she stepped in the base. Always giving her the best missions, training her, letting her do whatever she wants, and so forth.

I can't say that I never expected it, rumor has it that before the Akatsuki was some big bad criminal organization Konan and pein knew my father. I've also been given special treatment here, but things have been changing.

I've been weary of leader-sama after hearing a talk about the extraction of Karasu. Why would they extract him from me? What on earth is the purpose of that? Extracting him would get me killed, thats not my problem though. My problem is what would happen after I die, okay so I'm out of the picture, then what?

Karasu could only be sealed in a Oshiro clan member, and the only other Oshiro clan member alive is Haru. Even if they were to try and seal Karasu in Haru theres no guarantee it would work, she's only half Oshiro. Karasu could reject her body also causing her death.

And even if that were to work and Karasu get's sealed in my sister, what's the point?

The whole situation is so complicated and it's been haunting me for a while now, I hope I misunderstood whatever leader-sama was talking about.

When I was younger I remember him telling me that I don't know what true pain is after my grandmother died. I remember punching a whole lot of trees that day until my knuckles started to bleed. I'll never forget the words he said to me when he stopped me from punching that one last tree.

"One day you'll know true pain, and these times will seem like a walk in the park."

Yeesh. . .

Speaking of leader-sama, I'm really worried about his reaction to Haru's predicament, I mean what would he say?! Would he completely drop Haru like that bastard Kabuto said he would? I sure hope not, then where would she go?

Ugh I have so many questions yet zero answers.

It seems like I've zoned out for too long, because before I know it I'm already inside the Akatsuki base. Deciding to not go directly to leader sama, I head for my room and try to avoid everyone. Sadly, it doesn't work out that way.

"Shinji where the hell is Haru!?" I hear an annoying voice yell. My eyes widen, of course, how could I forget?!

Haru is supposed to go to that mission with Kakuzu and Hidan to retrieve the two tails. Oh leader sama is going to be so pissed!

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