Chapter 42 🌙

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••In Konoha, One month later••

"You sure you ready for this? You just got out of the hospital yesterday." Yamato says as he watches a very excited Naruto. At the moment, Kakashi, Naruto, and Yamato are all standing in a training ground near a waterfall on a clear day. Kakashi cooly leans in the shade against a tree as he also looks at Naruto.

"Nah that whole thing was blown out of proportion." Naruto retorts. "So you're good to go, full speed ahead right? That's what you'd like to think at least. But first lets start with the basics." Kakashi starts.

"Forget that! Come on! Let's skip to the part where I work on my new killer jutsu!"

Both Kakashi and Yamato send wachother weary glances at Naruto's sudden enthusiasm. "You know, the super secret deluxe special Naruto Uzumaki rasengan or whatever it's called!" Naruto exclaims, posing weirdly with every addition he made to the title of his jutsu. The two sensei's simultaneously sigh, Kakashi a bit more than Yamato. "Oh boy." The silver haired jounin mutters under his breath.

"Before that, let's review the change in chakra nature all right? Fire, water, wind, lightning and earth are the five chakra natures. In your case-"

"I know! I've got a wind chakra nature!" Naruto exclaims, interrupting whatever Yamato was about to say. Yamato sighs, "You know Naruto, constructing your own jutsu is not so simple. You need to go piece by piece, no matter how difficult the jutsu may be." He says.

Naruto arches a brow and places a hand on his hip "I already know all about chakra natures though! Why do I have to re-learn that?!" He exclaims, frowning at the brown haired man.

"Oh Naruto, yo have so much to learn." Yamato deadpans as he watches the sassy blonde. "Say Yamato sensei, have you ever made your own jutsu? Like a super strong big jutsu!?" Naruto suddenly asks catching Yamato by surprise. "Well, I've made justus of my own. But a huge jutsu? I've helped someone make their own." He reveals, Kakahsi's attention suddenly snaps over to Yamato, instantly knowing who he was talking about.

" I wanna know! What type of jutsu was it?!" Naruto enthusiastically asks. Yamato brings his hands behind his neck "I'd rather not talk about it now Naruto. We should get started on your training."

"Oh come on please? You can't just tell me that you helped make a super cool jutsu but you can't say what it was!" Naruto pleads. Kakashi sighs, already knowing who Yamato helped make a super cool jutsu. Though he never got the full details on what that specific jutsu was, now he was admittedly curious.

"You could talk about it." Kakashi says, knowing Naruto wouldn't stop unless he knew. Yamato sighs, agreeing to talk about this former student. "Well, she was twelve-"

"WHAT?!" Naruto suddenly says, flabbergasted at how young this mysterious person was. "Let me finish Naruto. She started working on the jutsu when she was twelve. She finished it when she was around fifteen so she spent about four years perfecting this jutsu. I only knew about this because I received reports on her training from her two sensei." Naruto's eyes widen but he stays silent as he listens, Kakashi also stays silent as he intakes all the information.

"She's a special case because she has more than one chakra signature, she had both water and earth style. Plus she had two kekkei genkai from her respective clans. The jutsu basically merged her two kekkei genkai together and well it was very powerful to say the least." Yamato explains.

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