Chapter 38 🌙

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••Third person POV••

"GET TEAMS EIGHT NINE AND TEN IN HERE NOW!" Tsunade yells after punching her desk in half. Shizune squeaks in panick before running out of the office to go get all the units there asap.

"Now tell me why Haru is not in front of me right now." Tsunade lowly seethes to team seven. She was beyond pissed. She just spent three whole days nurturing and caring for Haru without knowing of Haru's true whereabouts.

If team seven brought Haru back home, she would have never been tortured by Orochimaru, she would still be with child, and she would still have all her abilities functioning properly.

None of this would've happened if team seven brought her back to the leaf village. Of course they didn't know that, but the hokage was going to make sure that team seven knew exactly what was going on.

"Well not only is Haru super strong, but she was also with her bother. That guy is both crazy AND super strong!" Naruto insists, feeling disappointed in himself yet again.

He failed in bringing back his friend to the leaf village, what type of looser was he? "Haru has become impressively strong since last seeing her Hokage-sama. Chasing after her was extremely difficult." Kakashi explained, also feeling disappointed in himself. It was either save Naruto and Sakura or retrieve Haru.

It was a tough choice but he ended with the first option.

Tsunade however was enraged by their excuses. "Okay so you're meaning to tell me that you couldn't retrieve my baby even though you are all advanced ninja who supposedly care for her and would do anything to bring her back?" Tsunade calmly asks, a menacing tone backing her up.

The four stay silent and Sakura casts her gaze downwards. "WHAT TYPE OF TEAM IS THAT?" Tsunade yells, blowing up in their faces "Naruto, Sakura, you two would die to get Sasuke back. I see the two of you coming back from his retrieval missions looking like you've gone through war. and what do I see when you come back from confrontation? Naruto is a bit muddy. THAT'S IT?!" Tsunade rages, throwing her chair against the wall.

The unit stays silent, guilt falling upon their faces "I never once listened when Haru complained to me about you guys. I thought she was being dramatic, and I put myself at fault for not listening to her. I am disgusted by the way you all have treated her." Tsunade continues, not stopping any time soon.

"I am angry with myself for not paying enough attention to the way she was treated. You all have been isolating her ever since she was out in that team damn it! I don't care if the third hokage stopped her from going on missions, what type of team lets someone fall behind?! While that little girl was staring at those damn gates all day long waiting for the day she could leave, You guys kept on living your lives. Not stopping once to glance back at her while she waved you off to your new mission." Tsunade angrily rants, the truth slapping all of the team in their faces.

"This team has destroyed her bonds with all of you, and I don't blame her! You guys don't care!" She yells.

The silence didn't satisfy Tsunade, she had so much more to say. "Do you know how pathetic it looks, when Haru is stuck in the village barely training with teams that aren't her own just because you all are out there going on these exciting missions as new gennin?" Tsunade softly asks, tears beginning to form in the corner of her eyes but never once falling.

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