Chapter 67 🌙

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It's been days since the attack on Konoha, and I'm still dealing with the processing phase of it all. Did all of that really happen? Is everything seriously over? What now? Where did Pein go? What is the village like now? So many questions yet such little access to answers!

When I departed from the Leaf and said my goodbyes to Ino, I immediately went off to follow Shinji's chakra signature and ended up meeting up with him only a couple miles from the destroyed village I once called home.

When I met with him I was both relieved and confused at the sight of him. He had tear stained cheeks and was terribly flustered which was a sight to behold in itself, and when I went to ask him what happened he shut down any form of conversation regarding what he went through when he ran off with Naruto to look for Pein.

The only information that he gave me was that he and Naruto became well acquainted, and that he met with Kakashi sensei as he was walking with Naruto. That was when Shinji decided it was his time to go as he didn't exactly want to be involved in the grand welcoming home that Naruto would receive when they reached the leaf.

He also informed me that Naruto insisted that he stay in the leaf since he helped out so greatly in the fight and would surely be accepted, but of course, Shinji refused. 

Despite Shinji's refusal, the was his agenda was written called for us to return to Konoha one last time for the time being. I was very against the idea at first because I was worried about more confrontation and anything going wrong.

Shinji however was very stuck in his ways and insisted on returning because we had someone to take with us. Of course when he mentioned my little nephews name I was all on board because there's no way in hell am I leaving that child in the leaf with all of these rising tensions, uncertainty, and security dangers.

Hence this very moment in time, where instead of eating the delicious plate of dango in front of me I'm stuck trying to de tangle my hair from Reiji's tight grasp. "Reiji how many times do I have to tell you?! My hair is not a toy! Auntie Haru is trying to grow it out and I don't need the split ends your causing!"

Reiji stares at me with his big blue eyes, and it's almost as if he understands me! But then, of course, he only tugs at my hair once more before babbling randomly.

Shinji sweatshops at the two of us "Haru, I'm sure he doesn't understand you yet-"

"He understands damn well, he's just trying to dodge responsibility! Honestly though, I understand why."

The giggle that emerges from Reiji's mouth only heightens my suspicion and Shinji's amusement. "He's so cute! Bless my good genes." Shinji sighs, admiring the cuteness that is his son. I frown at my cocky brother before looking back down at my nephew. "Cute? Yes. Because he looks like you? Questionable."

Shinji rolls his eyes at me and leans back on his chair in a more comfortable position. "So, have you heard the news? Danzo is Konoha's new south proclaimed hokage."

If it weren't for the baby on my lap, I probably would've fallen out of my seat in shock and horror. But instead, I stay seated and the look on my face tells all. ".....Danzo.......Is hokage?" Shinji slowly nods, and I scoff at the idea. "Thats not funny Shinji! Don't play around like that Tsunade would never resign at a time like this!"

"I wish I was joking! The thing is that Tsunade seems to still be unconsious from the battle with Pein or something I don't even know! All I do know is that she's out of the picture and Danzo is in."

"How'd you even get this information?" I ask, a curious look on my face as I adjust Reiji on my lap.

"Umm, All seeing eye which is connected to a flying ravens eyes? Hello Haru, connect the dots!" Shinji exclaims, waiving his chopsticks around like a madman.

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