F-F-First Interaction?!

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"S-Sorry!" She anxiously apologized to you when you two bumped to each other.
"I-It's fine! W-What's wrong? You seem like in a hurry." You tried to make up a conversation.
"W-Well... this may seem too sudden, but may I borrow your P-parfait girls volume 9?" She blushed as she asked

"H-Huh? H-How did you know I read those stuff?" You questioned her "y-you didn't even ask for my name!?"

"M-My Friend, Monika... told me" she softly spoke.

As you heard that name, you realized it was the brown haired girl earlier, you asked yourself how did she even know about that, you don't remember yourself telling that you have read Parfait Girls, you try as hard as you can to remember anything similar to that happening, but nothing comes up in mind.. "(maybe She just guessed it, and she told her about this stuff just to make Natsuki come to me?)" you asked yourself all the possibilities, leaving Natsuki confused as you take a long time to reply.

"H-Hey! A-Are you even listening to me!?" She pouted.

"A-Ah! Yes, I am. Sorry... I-I'll go get it." You stood up and picked her up, looking all blushy and awkward, as you run off to your club room to open your cabinet, and choosing between the books to find the Volume 9 she wanted.
She followed you unto the room, the room was very clear, the chairs and table has been fixed and arranged onto the corners as everyone already left. The sun was setting and the sky was getting orange, as the rays of the sunlight shines through the windows. Giving the perfect look on Natsuki standing on the door, giving a cute, gorgeous view. You blushed and looked away, and continued to search quicker.

"H-Hey! I saw you taking a peek at me." She pouted (...cutely)

"S-Sorry! I'll hurry up now" as you switch through your hands, going through between the books and raising one up and another to give a motion to the book and having a decent view of the front title page.

"Aha!" You exclaimed, as you pick up the pink colored theme book onto your one hand and raise it up unto the sky, Parfait Girls Volume 9! You cheerfully slammed it onto the desk

"There you go, Natsuki! Parfait Girls Volume 9! Hope you liked it" You exclaimed

She picked it up, observing the book, looking at the side, the back, opening the book and looks at the title calmly,
She spoke as she was observing it. "Oh yeah... I haven't asked you" "What's your name..?"

"O-Oh! My name? M-My name is (Y/N)" You felt confident (enough) telling.

"Oh.... nice to meet you, (Y/N)" as she turned back and walked out the door, "I'll see you soon. I'm putting this back in our Club room, I'll start reading this tomorrow." She then walked away.

But you realized.. Wait Couldn't she just bring it home herself..?

Natsuki x (M) Reader x3 (Doki Doki Literature Club)Where stories live. Discover now