Blushy Blush Blush~

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Rise and Shine, the sun goes up as the moon goes down, it's very bright outside. It was time for you to wake up...
You open your eyes, seeing yourself hugging Natsuki tightly, you can't believe it happened again. Well, she did indeed say that she was very scared and lonely sleeping, and wants somebody to be with her always.

You moved away from the bed and stood up, going to your kitchen. You wanted to surprise her, so you started cooking breakfast, you tried making the breakfast very special and delicious, just for her before she leaves.

Natsuki woke up, walking to the kitchen trying to find you, as she saw you get ready with the food. "H-Hey!" She grabbed your attention, you greeted good morning and made her sit down on the table, you ready up the plates and utensils and put it down on the table, you showed her your delicious cooking, you started to place the food on her plate and so as yours, she started taking a bite.

"Mmm! This is good, how are you so good at this?" Natsuki was satisfied with your cooking

"Well... I live alone, and nobody wants to eat bad food am I right? So I practiced cooking always, and I cook everyday for myself." You explained briefly, as she nods showing her that she understood your explanation. As you two eat on the table, she brought up a conversation which leads to this.

"Hey, I just remembered. May I stay here for a day?" She asked as she finished swallowing her food

"Hm? W-Why?"

"W-Well... I-It's not like I want to be with you! I-I just like your cooking... and... I feel more safer here." She looks away and pouts, hands placed on her lap.

You didn't want to intrude her privacy that much, so you kept quiet and just agreed.

"Actually..." she suddenly spoke

"May I live here?"

BOOM! Your Mind has exploded into a million pieces, heart was full of love, you didn't know what to answer, how. Why, is this real!? You're dreaming, are you? You pinched yourself. It doesn't seem like a dream! I-Is!? w-what!?

"I-It's okay if you don't want me here...."

"N-No No No! It's Okay! Stay here if you'd like!" You made a gesture saying it's fine with your hands, she has that face like "are you sure?" Kind of thing.

"B-But... You don't have clothes though... and like... and other personal house items."

She just suddenly understood your answer, and knowing that her father will definitely get mad about this idea, so it's better being quiet about it, but you don't have access to the house, how will you get her clothes? Should you just buy for her? The School uniform is damn expensive! What now? You held on this problem for later and tomorrow, so now, you'll just try to be calm about it and have fun while there's still time.

Author here, If You'd like, you can help me with this problem (because obviously I have no idea what to do as well). You can comment or message me for what will be happening next and what to do about the situation, I'll be sure to mention you in the next part if you were chosen.

"Umm.. (Y/N), today's Saturday... isn't it?" She asked

"Yeah, why?"

"Let's go do something, I'm bored." She smiled cheerfully, looking like she really wanted to do something.

"I have some manga here... would you like to read?" You pointed at the cabinet that has full of Mangas, Anime DVD's and stuff. She walked up to it and opened it, revealing tons and tons of Mangas, she took one and flipped through the pages.

"Yeah... this looks great... speaking of Mangas, let's go rent a room in one of those library places that is full of mangas and Anime" (like the one in that anime called Charlotte). She suggested,

You went to that certain place, and rented a room. It's a pretty small room though, but you two can fit. You turned on the Television to watch some anime, while she's on the back reading anime. You know, this place has a good privacy too, just closed walls, a door on the behind, comfy floor. It's a great place to spend time with just you and you.

She started shoving a manga onto your face and screaming "look look! This scene is amazing"
'Yeah, Yeah" you gently slapped the manga out of your face, she pouts and did that "sad-mad" face and started saying things like "a-are you ignoring me!? Baka!" You still ignored her, as you was into the anime. She started leaning closer, but you didn't notice. She kissed you on the cheek and immediately turned away; you blushed. You blushed and you looked at her, shocked. Her face was blood red, pouts and look away. "B-Baka" she muttered, did she really do that just to grab my attention? Does she really want me to notice her that much? You asked yourself...

To be continued.

Sorry, :P and remember, if you'd like to help me with the problem right now, feel free to comment or message me. :)

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