Chapter 3: Alliance (2)

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"Hey, who is our next teammate ?" – Joule impatiently asks

"I don't know, I've only heard him through someone's recommendation, like the way I found you. But if it is true then it won't be that hard to recruit him."

Joule responses with a confused yet curious face.

"Maybe a forgotten friend of his?" – she thinks.


They arrive at an old bar in the middle of nowhere. Usually be visited by outlaws or secret services for a hideout, this is not a good place.

They can even hear from 10 feet away the sounds of drunk men fighting over a drink or just simply someone steps on another's foot. Such similar noises can be heard from a bar's commotion.

Apparently, Samuel's next ally is in it.

"He is in here?"

"Well, it is getting late and I highly doubt that he would go hunting at this hour, plus this is his regulars according to travelers passing by."

"Wait outside, he can mistake me as a hostile if I bring you in." – Samuel tells Joule when he's about to enter inside.

"Just a curiosity, how can you be so sure that you can persuade him?"

"Because he is a Grangor."

Samuel pushes the bar door. A half-drank bottle flies pass his face and splits off on the ground. Yet another similar view can be seen, broken tables and chairs are thrown and scattered everywhere, men standing around, cheering form a circle like some sort of tournament with the contestant in the center. One by one every passed second, another person charges blindly into the middle area and eventually get thrown out like some soft ball.

Not many people has that kind of power, Samuel can have a glimpse of him just by standing at the edge of the crowd. He tries to cross those people standing in front to look closer: 2 feet tall, muscular, silver fur, long razor sharp fangs like sabre-tooth and eyes covered with a black band. Blind? There's no mistake, that's the one that Samuel is looking for.

"Glaive, isn't it?" – a strange voice breaks the atmosphere and draws his attention

"Another challenger...?"

"Challenging you is possibly not a good idea, and I certainly won't do so, I'm here for a different reason. Do you wish to hear me out my dear friend?"

"Hmph, quite a talker I can see. If you can survive for 3 minutes without getting knocked out, then I'll gladly hear what you have to say."

There's sign showing that he'd offer a different choice. Samuel will just have to stay in the ring with him for 3 minutes. Besides, this is a good opportunity to get back the skills he acquired when training with the Grangors before.

A rocket axe is the traditional weapon of Grangors, but right now, Glaive is going to fight barehanded. Even if Grangors don't bring weapons, nobody don't look down on them because Grangors alone are already terrifying beasts.

Glaive stretches his limbs for a quick warm up, then for a brief second he charges towards Samuel. Straight punch, uppercuts, elbow swing, multiple attacks are coming out, but none of them seems to be hitting the target.

Has been training since young and actually went for a hunt, Samuel knows too well every move Glaive can dish out, so dodging them is no problem. In any ways, he only needs to stay on the ground for 3 minutes, there's no need to go make any unnecessary moves.

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