Chapter 9: What is new becomes old

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As soon as he realizes, Samuel was lying on top of Celeste, with one of his hand groping her bosom. Seeing her face turns deep red, he quickly withdraws.

"Woah.....sorry sorry! is because the wolf was charging at me, you know? My body only reacts due to outside interferences....but why do I have the feeling that someone set this up intentionally?"

Celeste slowly sits up, with both of her knees still dead stuck on the ground. She speaks in a shivering voice, while her arms crossed, covering her top:

"Of...of all the men I've met, you're the only one 'courage' enough to do you know that brave people tend to die young?"

"What? What do you mean by that? Why is your scepter glowing? Wait....hold up!"

*bang* *boom*


Multiple stars start landing in the river bank, its impact creates massive shockwave that even reaches the resistant's base.

"Are there enemies close by?" – one of the resistant startles.

"No, I don't see anything from here. The leader probably having encountered some wild animals!"

"Damn! They must be one of a kind to make her use a spell like that. I wonder what's out there!"

Later that day, Samuel returns to his team, with his face and robe covered in dirt and charcoal.

"What the hell happened to you?" – Joule asks.

"I've just did something that I might regret for the rest of my life, better not to remind me about that..."

"Hmm?" – Joule responds with a confused face.

"Forget about that, where's Flicker?"

Now that he's noticing, the purple Bleeko is disappeared. Perhaps he's hiding somewhere, doing some secret researches by using his stealth abilities. But then again, there's a small pouch filled with bright yellow dust on his bed that appears to be in his possession, it's rare to see him leave something like this.

"That little midget took off early this morning, you didn't see him on the top of the hill, right? That's because he's probably miles away from this place by now. Before he left, he said something like he didn't want to participate anymore in this, and he gave some of his remaining fairy dust to you in case you need it!" – Glaive says grumpily while sharpening his axe.

"Why didn't you stop him then?"

"I do care less about a coward, if it's his choice then so be it!"


Below the resistant's base are layers after layers of forests and swamps. The resources here are rich, yet only a few people have come here to examine it due to some unknown creatures roaming this area that seems to be hostiles towards anything. But that shouldn't be a problem if you have the moon on your side.

While traveling downhill, Flicker notices that his surroundings are shaking violently, but there's no wind. Soon recognizes this trick, so familiar, as it's from one of his old comrades. Out of nowhere, a portal appears behind him, the energy emitting from it is no doubt Samuel's and thus, he walks out.

"I thought nothing can track me down while I'm in this state!" – Flicker says in a friendly voice.

"Don't think that after all that time working with you is for nothing, will you?" – Samuel responds in the same tone – "Leave that aside, you know why I'm here, right?"

"I've already guessed, that bad breathed pussy cat never knows what other people think anyways!"

"Then, why do you leave?"

"Well, I've agreed to aid you in your hunt for the Stormqueen, but I've never agreed to participate in a political war. I've got another war in my own clan, and I can't be in two battlefields at once."

"I see....and I know you've got other things to protect!"

"Hmm? Such quick thoughts for so little mind, if only I've had you as my assistant!"

"Your purpose is not different from mine, so I can't judge you. But we have a deal, remember?"

Samuel takes out a pouch which is same pouch that Flicker had left at his bed.

"Oh? So you don't need it?"

"I've never said that your dust will come in no use, this is a different thing, it's my part of our deal!"

Flicker quickly takes a good look inside. Unlike anything he has encountered, what he seen makes him speechless.

"What....what is this?"

"I have agree to lend you some of my knowledge, haven't i? This thing will help you on your journey."

"Is it a weapon? It will effective on the Meekos?"

"It's a weapon, but not the way you think. If you research it carefully, you'll find the answer to your conflict." – Samuel continues – "I know what war is and also its consequences. I've experienced some of deepest and darkest part of my life and I do not wish the same thing happens to you. Promise me, you will continue to make weapons, not to take lives but to solve conflict."

"That's...a little too much you're asking from me. But I'll do my best!"

"That's good enough for me. So....this is farewell, I guess!"

"Oh don't be such a crybaby! I'm sure at some point, our path will meet again. After all, we're both allies of the moon!"

As soon as he finishes the words, Flicker vanishes into thin air, like a rabbit disappearing from the magician's hat.


The sun is about to kiss goodbye to the sky as it slowly set at Western line, numerous strange noises start echoing through out the forest.

Samuel also ready to get back, as he doesn't know what awaits him under these bushes at night.

"I hope so too"

When he returns, Joule and Glaive have been waiting for him, along side with Celeste.

"So, did you meet him? What did you guys say?" – Joule always seems to be the first one to make questions.

"I did, but unfortunately he won't join us anytime soon. We'll have to continue this task despite his absence." – Samuel announces then turns to Celeste – "But then, why are you here?"

"You've passed our qualification test, so you're one of us now. And as the leader of this rebellion, of course i'm here to assign your first mission."

"First mission?" (×3)

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