Chapter 10: Dilemma

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The three remaining members gather on each side of a road that leads straight towards one of Stormqueen's military camp.

All of them are laying low, preparing for an ambush on what seems to be a supply truck.

"Why are we here again?" – Joule whispers to Samuel.

"You don't know why we're here yet you still come?"

"Well, it may have slipped my mind..."

*sigh* "Put that aside, that is not the biggest question right now!" – Samuel says as he puts his gaze towards Celeste, who is also here with them.

"You're right, why can't I bring my mech with me?"

"Not that, why is she here? Her, of all people?"


"You know that one of our member is not here, don't you? Can you not just pick another time?"

"I'm sorry but time waits for no one. And for people like us, time is more valuable than any of our resources. Don't worry, I won't go harsh on your first mission."

The three members looked at each other silently for a few seconds.

"Let's hear it!" – Samuel said.

"Alright, your task is simple. There's a camp, about 30 miles to the north of this base. Stormqueen has some of the military supplies stored there: ammunition, weapons, armor....even disposable magic. All are valuable to our force. Luckily, that place is quite isolated if comparing to other camps. So, what you only need to do is wait for the supply truck to deliver its usual goods, snatch it and use it as a cover to bring the supplies to us. Clear?"

"You make it sounds too easy, what are we expecting to encounter there?"

"Well there are Stormguards, obviously, I have little information on what's other than that!"

"So you might be sending us into a death trap without even knowing anything?"

"Exactly, any more question?"

*sigh* "Well we're pawns after all!"

"Oh and one more thing...." – Celeste suddenly turned around on her way out of the room.

"I'll be joining you guys on this mission."


Before she could let Samuel asked, Celeste exited the room without any further explanation.

She returned to the office that usually welcomes her stay, where Vox was standing motionlessly, apparently he was waiting for her.

"Look, I don't know if you're going through your period or not but you're making some very irrational decisions lately!"

"That's not something you should say, brother. A girl might get really offended for that."

"You not only invited some extra members at a busy time, but also assigned them to a newly founded location that little do we know what's out there and coming with them? What's really on your mind, sis?"

"So you've overheard our conversation. It's true, nobody in the resistance would allow me to go on such mission. That's why I'm asking you, Vox, take care of things while I'm not here!"

"You didn't answer my question!"

"Well you are a stubborn one, don't know where you get that from. The reason I'm doing this is that I want to witness the potential power of Samuel, I think that in the last sparring, he didn't show that much despite facing one of my most powerful spell!"

"Start calling people by their names already? I don't recall you being that nice to someone you've just met!"

*blush* "H...hey, it's normal for a leader to remember the name of her inferior. Talking about you, Vox, I don't recall you being serious like this!"

*chuckle* "I don't get this worked up just for some strangers!"

"Besides, Father could be there...." – Celeste seemed to be in deep thoughts when she suddenly turned her gaze towards the dim light of the wall lamp.


"What's wrong? I thought she was the head of the revolution?"

"That is! The commander participating in a rookie's mission. Who knows what could happen? If something went wrong, it would be hard for the fire of the resistant to keeping burning!"

"Is that a truck coming towards us?"

"Get down!"

The vehicle passes them without noticing and stops by the gate for thorough examination. While it's at it, Joule and Samuel sneak behind the truck in an attempt to hack open the lock on the back door.

"Are you sure you can do this?"

"I've been doing this for 5 years, you know. Life on the street is not as fancy as you think!"

In just about a minute, a *crank* sound can be heard and the lock flies open. Moments like this helps Samuel realizes that the title 'one of the greatest thieves in town' isn't just for show.

They cue for Glaive and Celeste to come inside. Although it's a good place to hide and fits all four people despite having a massive Grangor by their side, it's extremely enclose as if everyone's shoulder are touching each other.

"Hey, where are you touching!?"

"Oh give me some slack, I'm trying to get some space to breath here!" – Ironically, Samuel and Celeste are sitting side by side.

Few minutes later, the truck finally reaches it parking spot to extract supplies. Before the Stormguards could check what's inside, they have already left and hid inside one of the soldier's sleeping tents.

"Alright, Joule, you search for ammunition, Samuel, go and see if there is any weapons and armor still usable, Glaive will help you. I'll take care of the disposable magic."

The three of them nods and splits immediately to execute the mission. But while walking pass some soldiers, Samuel accidentally hear their conversation.

"Hey, haven't you heard? There're some new prisoners being transported today, one of them seems to be a war mage of Gythia."


"Even someone like that can get affected by the rebels? These criminals seems to have same level of negotiation as our Queen!"

"War mage? Gythia?"

"Yeah I even got someone saying things like there's a knight who was also there with her, but he managed to flee. I don't think this will end well!"

"The queen has orders, we do not question them."

"Do you hear that, Glaive?"

"Some fools that only know how to listen. Should I have their head?"

"Change the plan, we're going to the area that they hold prisoners."

When he actually get there, lines of people assuming that have committed 'terrible crimes' are being escorted.

Samuel closely looks at them one by one. In surprise, familiar red robe and purple hair appears in the amber pupils.


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