Chapter 7: A new bond

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Samuel looks up and only sees a flash of bright yellow passing his sight. Still trying to figure out what is happening, Glaive pushes his shoulder from behind:

"Don't just stand there, this is our chance, go!"

All four of them rush to the forest up ahead. Before descending into the darkness, Samuel casts a black fog similar to what he used for the decoy earlier around Selina to ensure their escape.

While they're still running, thousands of Halcyon arrows chase after them. In the distance, they can hear the footsteps of Stormguards hunting down their prey, the sound of blades clenching on branches echoes throughout the leaves. Our heroes know that distracting Selina wasn't enough, as she is only a small individual in their vast force.

It seems very hard to run, a voice suddenly whispers to them:

"Cover your ears!!"

Unexpectedly, a powerful sound wave flies through the pursuing Stormguards, they suddenly holds their head and shrieks. All have been knocked out like pin balls. Surprise after surprise, their only choice is to keep running forward blindly. From the moment that voice warned them, a bright red orb quite like a small star has been guiding them through the forest. They don't know how or why yet just follow it like pure instinct.

After a few more minutes of thighs-breaking, they finally make it to a clearer spot, where they are greeted with a young girl wearing something likes a white right dress with mechanical enhancement, along with yellow twin tails, holding a glowing crystal scepter.

"Are you alright brave heroes?" – Her voice brings a royal and majestic vibe into it, like the Stormqueen, but hers is nowhere near as terrifying, only warmth.

"We should not stay here for long, our little distraction only prevent them temporarily. C'mon, we're going to headquarter." – the girl continues to speak despite others confusion.

She leads the crew to a cave deep inside the forest, where its presence is very hard to be known due to the density of trees around here. Without help or personal experience, surely anyone will be lost here, but this girl seems to travel this path quite often.

After all, it's her 'headquarter'. When they look into the entrance of the cave there was nothing but pitch black, not even a spark of light, how can this place become the heart of a campaign? Did she lead them here for other purposes? Many questions were raised, but from recent events, Samuel doesn't need to ask to know that this cave is under the effects of cloaking magic.

Although everyone all have the same reaction to the sight, which are obviously doubts, she still insists them to come in. To make things more comfortable, she comes in first. But right at the moment her foot crosses the entrance, she disappears.

"I knew it, this is a trap!" – Flicker takes a step back and raises his lantern.

"Relax, if she want to kill us he would have done it a long time ago!" – Samuel yields the talkative scientist.

"I know this spell, it's similar to the one I used for our secret meeting. I don't know what awaits us at the other end though...."

The dark mage slowly reaches out, his hand blends into the surroundings and vanishes. He takes another step, soon his arm, his head, his entire body just erased from clean sight.

When he finally gets to the other side however, the view is quite different to what he has imagined.

Groups of dozens of people scattered across the cave's path all work together under the bright light of dangling stars through the cave system like wall lamps. There are groups discussing strategic plan by a large map that seems to be the map of this land, groups that look like they've just returned from a scavenging hunt for supplies. There are even groups that trained rookies how to use different types of weapon just like the Stormguard academy. The sounds of people talking, the way they support each other so harmoniously and willingly, this is almost like a small town rather than some headquarters. Yet you can't see this sight from outside.

"Wow, this place is amazing!" – Speaking of outside, Joule and the others have also come in. All are stunned before what they see.

"So many this some kind of laboratory because I'd love to sign up!" – Flicker asked.

"Are you dumb? Look over there, this is obviously a training camp for soldiers!" – Joule retorts.

"Can both of you be quiet for a moment?"

The four of them continue to walk, trying to find that strange girl and what is her role in all of this, until...

"Wha....hey, look over there!" – Joule whispers to Samuel.

In the distance, they can see a familiar figure with red robe, raider's hat and an eye patch. Just by seeing him make their body aches. In addition to what they've just done, this is not going to be a happy reunion.

"Woah!" - The sound of a person who has just been lucky to dodge an attack that even surprised the Stormqueen.

"So, which one is it? You trying to make this place yours or this place is yours?" – Glaive turns around, his voice filled with murdering intent.

"Wait, you fokes are here too? I thought you were just some random mercenaries with top off skills. Well, everyday you learn something new!"

"Don't waste your strength by spilling out those words, you'll need it!"

The Grangor winds up his weapon for an all-out attack, but right after that he has to move back. One of the stars hanging on the wall suddenly pops out and drops on the commotion, causing a small explosion, not lethal but still have enough shock factor to push someone out.

"It appears that you two have met?" – The girl they are searching for arrives, just on time too.

"Sis, you know these people?"

"Wait, sis? Siblings?"

"I know that there are a lot of questions that you need answers. Wait for me in room 202, you should find it down the west path."

"Wait, you let us here, in the heart of everything and even willing to give us information that we can use against you. Why?"

"You and your team stand against the most powerful person in this land, one of her henchman was actually tried to kill you if I haven't intervene, if that was all a play just to lure me in then I think she did a pretty good job!"

"So what if I am?"

She places her hand on Samuel's shoulder:

"An actor wouldn't attack the director twice."

Then she slowly moves her head near his ear and whispers:

"You think I don't know that, don't you?"

Although he hates to admit it, but she has got the better of him. It's be wise to listen to her for now, there's no telling what she keeps under her sleeves. Samuel shares the same thoughts and guides his team to the directed room.

"Hey what did she mean by 'twice', I don't recall the second time we fought that weird lady." – Joule asks with curiosity.

"We didn't, I formed this group after my first failed attempt in bringing down that tyrant. But how does she know?"

"Quite an interesting person, I'd say. Her magic is actually opposite to yours from what I felt, in fact it has some similarities to the Stormqueen. If her goal is the same as ours, she could be an great ally." – Glaive said like some personal experience.

"My thoughts exactly, and since when have you been good at sensing people's powers?"

"You mages train with us Grangors. In return, we also learn something from you."


Room 202 opened in front of them, it's a classic double bedded room like every other army camps. All four take a good rest after such a long evening, and even a longer day awaits them tomorrow.

Meanwhile, two people are talking outside others awareness.

"So, explain to me again why do you want to recruit rookies at this time of the campaign?"

"One of them defeated you, right? Which means they're at least my rank or higher, this is not just some normal rookies, Vox. Just four of them can actually give quite the commotion for the queen. Besides, I feel their mage has something, something sinister!"

"Something like what?"

"Like.....a devil's presence!"

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