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I had barely eaten in days, I had been on my way to get clean water when I'd finally collapsed.

I could see the sun slowly rising in the distance. There were a few humans running around the water, seemingly guarding it.

A lighter-haired guard, who was running much faster than the rest, stopped beside me. The human crouched and extended a hand, gently touching my side.

I exhaled weakly.

"Hey there little fella," the man cooed softly.

I made a squeaking noise in reply.

Another man stopped, breathing heavily, "What'd you find Steve?"

The lighter-haired man picked me up and stood, showing me to the other man.

"I'm going to go ahead and get this cat some help. I'll see you later Sam!" Steve called, having started to run after his first sentence.

I passed out moments later.
I woke up cold, but resting on soft things.

I opened my eyes and saw bars, as well as a tube running from a bag into my foreleg.

I stiffened and narrowed my eyes, watching the other imprisoned cats.
I heard a door open and slam closed. Steps started to approach my prison, so I huddled back into a darker corner in the back of the cage.

I hissed loudly when a man's face appeared on the other side of the bars.

I flattened my ears when he unhitched the lock, I raised my paw to scratch him.

"Oh don't be like that little kitten," the man scolded.

I growled at him for his efforts.

The man reached in and grabbed my scruff; so in turn, I growled louder and tried to scratch him.

The man scowled as he carried me into a small room that had Steve.

The man hissed lowly when my claws dug into his forearm, he dropped me onto the table.

I landed on my feet and tried to get away, I ended up heavily leaning from side to side before falling over onto my side.

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