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It was pretty quiet for a while to say the least, but the Avengers did still go on missions around the globe to track down remainders of some group called HYDRA.

I didn't know who they were exactly, but Steve absolutely hated them.

If Steve hated you, you had to be a pretty bad person to earn Steve's hate.

Clint had retired not long after what everyone called the Sokovia incident, Thor and Bruce had disappeared though.

We had three new Avengers though, Wanda, Vision, and Sam were officially Avengers.

I liked Wanda, she was a bit quiet though.

She paid attention to Vision a lot though, I didn't like Vision very much.

He always pet me too hard, tried to pick me up all the time, and he didn't let me go outside.

Steve, Natasha, Wanda, and Sam left for a mission today though, and Tony was at a conference.

So that left me with Vision.

They'd been gone for almost twelve hours, and I was crouched on top of the fridge hissing at him, growling as I lifted an unsheathed paw.

He frowned at me, "I don't understand why you hate me so," he told me as he finally stopped reaching for me.

I jumped off of the fridge and onto the counter, by the time he turned to look at me, I was running down the hallway.

I yelped loudly as a hand grabbed my scruff, "I also don't understand why you hate baths. Your tongue baths don't make you clean," he told me as he walked back to the kitchen, where he had a sink full of water.

I struggled in his grip, growling the entire way to the sink.

He held my scruff while he put me in the sink, not letting go as he poured a cup of water on my back.

I yowled loudly, the entire time.

"Dot?" I heard from down the hall.

I screeched again, Steve appeared in the doorway a few moments later.

Vision released my scruff to wave at Steve.

I took the opportunity to jump out of the sink, slid across the floor and down the hall. Leaving a trail of water behind me.

I could faintly hear Steve, "Vision, you don't bathe cats!"

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