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"You're Sokovian," Steve concluded. "Is that what this is about?" Steve questioned.

"Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No, I'm here because I made a promise," the guy told Steve, sounding dangerously monotone.

"You lost someone?" Steve asked after a moment.

It took the guy a while to reply to that. "I lost everyone. And so will you," there was a moment of silence, "An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again, but one which crumbles from within? That's dead, forever," there was more silence.

"I know that road," Tony sounded quiet as I scratched at the vent cover.

"What is this?" Tony yelled, his voice echoing.

I heard a video playing, it didn't sound like it was going well.

The vent cover finally gave way, I crawled into the room.

I jumped onto the table in the room, the guy turned to look at me startled before grinning.

"Oh, it's just the Captain's little pet," he sounded relieved as he reached to pet me.

I flattened my ears and growled before launching myself onto his face.

Explosions sounded from the room Steve and the others were in, but I was focused on shredding this guys face. He got us kicked out of our own home.

He gave a startled cry as he tried to peel me off of his face, which only resulted in my claws digging deeper into his face as I yowled and bit the bridge of his nose.

He stumbled back into a table, but I kept on biting.

It wasn't long after that something was stabbed into my side, making me yowl and jump off of the guy.

He cursed at me in a foreign language before running out of the room.

I shook the dust out of my fur before chasing after him with an angered noise.

I left Steve, Bucky, and Tony to fight whatever the guy'd sent after them.

Steve's Rescue (Avengers Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora