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Almost an hour after the two had left, I heard the lock making noise.

I tilted my head and walked over to the door and sat, there was enough room between the door and I, so it wouldn't hit me.

The door slilently opened, I could've sworn it'd squeaked earlier.

A man with shoulder length brown hair stepped into the room, scanning it intently.

The man didn't seem to notice me sitting in front of him until I meowed at him.

He seemed startled by the noise, he looked down at me with a frown.

I got up and walked over to his leg, purring as I rubbed my body against him.

He seemed uneasy, but eventually started to relax.

After a few minutes, he sat on the floor, so I hopped onto his lap purring.

It took him a few more minutes before he gained the courage to pet me.
Four hours had passed since the man had come inside.

He'd pet me for a while before he got up.

I watched him open the fridge and take out a bottle of water, he sat on the couch to drink it.

I jumped up to sit with him and we relaxed on the couch for a few minutes before I heard talking outside the door. It sounded like Steve and Sam.

The man went rigid, jumping onto his feet and looked around the room frantically.

His eyes landed on the bed Sam had claimed and that's where he went. Crouching down and actually shoving himself underneath it.

I stared at him confusedly.

Steve opened the door and their conversation became more audible.

"-and no one's seen him, maybe he isn't here Steve," Sam said as he plopped himself on the couch, where the man had been sitting.

"Hey Steve, did you get a water before we left? And I'm pretty sure your cat sprawled out on the couch,".

I growled and slapped his leg with my paw.

Steve's Rescue (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now