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It took a while, but we eventually got to Germany, Scott was suffering from jet-lag though.

Clint broke into a windowless van and we waited there for Steve to show up, we didn't have to wait for very long.

A very small car parked a couple spaces away from the van, Steve crawled out first, looking done with life.

Sam crawled out next, and then...

Hey! That's the guy that was under Sam's bed a couple years back!

Clint got out of the van, "Cap," he said as he walked around the van to go see him.

"You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice," Steve told him as Wanda opened the door, leaving me on the front seat.

I made an affronted noise.

"Hey man, you're doing me a favor, besides. I owe a debt," Clint looked at Wanda when he said that.

"Thanks for having my back," Steve told Wanda.

She nodded her head, "It was time to get off my ass," she told them while looking at Clint.

"How's our other recruit?" Steve asked.

Scott was still sleeping. "He's rarin to go, had to put a little coffee in him," Clint opened the back door.

I jumped onto Scott's stomach and ran out the van. "But he should be good," Clint finished as Scott jumped awake.

I jumped onto Steve's chest purring. "That thing missed you," Clint told him as Scott got out.

"What time zone is this?" Scott asked as he finally got his feet on pavement.

Then he noticed Sam and Steve, he froze. "Captain America," was all Scott could say as he shook Steve's hand.

"Mr. Lang," was all Steve could say.

Scott continued to shake his hand, "I'm shaking your hand too long," Scott said, continuing to shake his hand. He let go after a moment and awkwardly stood there.

"I know you too, you're great," Scott told Wanda.

I guessed he didn't want her to feel left out.

Scott put his hands on both of Steve's shoulders, "Jeez," was all he could say.

"Ah look, I wanted to say, I know you know a lot of super people, so thanks for thinking of me." Scott seemed to just notice Sam, "Hey man," he finger gunned at Sam.

"What's up tic-tac?" was all Sam asked, crossing his arms.

"Uh, good to see you. Look, what happened last time when I-".

Sam cut him off, "It was a great audition, but it'll never happen again," Sam told him stubbornly.

"They tell you what we're up against?" Steve asked.

"Something about some psycho assassins?" Scott guessed.

"We're outside the law on this one. So if you come with us, you're a wanted man." Steve warned.

"Yeah, what else is new?" Scott asked.

"We should get moving," the guy that hid under Sam's bed told them, not really moving from the other side of the car.

I jumped onto the bug and meowed at him, "I remember you," he told me as he picked me up.

Steve looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "How?" was all he asked.

"You'd be surprised how many times I broke into your motel rooms Steve," was the only answer he gave.

Clint looked disappointed with Steve on that one, "Well, I've got a chopper lined up..."

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