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Whether she was shoved or pulled, everything became a maelstrom to get Lila out of the way.

The snarling, the flying of saliva, blood, and fur compromised the room of antlers.

Adonis removes his jacket and saving that article of clothing alone, turns into another matching beast on four paws. Lila's knocked away from him, saved from Benjamin's closing bite and she hits the floor with a loud thud.

As the two men began to fight one another as rabid animals, the other males, in turn, began to shift.

The russet wolf that once was her nurse, her friend, and now, nightmare, matched in size to the black wolf that lunged for her moments ago. To her back, Morganna spins her, having saved Lila's life from the two supernaturals battling it out in the throne room. Morganna's eyes, shimmering in another unnatural light, squint before she clutches to her chest. Tossing Lila off to Grace, the elderly woman tries to lead Lila away from the madness.

"RUN!" Morganna snarls out to Lila. Her fangs elongate with the command as she begins to shift into a coat of snow. All of them shifted in response to whatever triggered between the two larger males.

Terror gripping her, Lila is struggling on her own feet with the old woman. As the throne of antlers crashes under the weight of the black wolf's fall, it's the last sight Lila sees before she's rushed outside.

Grace releases her, waving her off as Lila stumbles on her own feet down the three porch steps. The mute woman waves her hands with more dramatics, urging her off, and Lila remembers Morganna's command.


Scrambling to her feet, Lila dodges for the road. Her legs threatened to cramp from the rush of adrenaline and the sudden movement that calls for her survival. Her heart in her throat, her ears deaf to anything but the slamming of her own heart, Lila aims for nothing but the distant trees hugging the road. Suddenly aware of her breath, the rise and fall of her chest and how all of this might be her last minutes alive, there's an alien sensation burning in her veins.

"Tell me where you are, my love."

A voice beckons in her mind. It sings, like the warmth in her blood that calls for something beyond herself.

She recalls eyes, a pair of gleaming ice blues that brings her heart to race faster, her legs to stride farther past the gate she forces open.

"I'm here..." She can't help but reply to the resonance, even if it's just in the confines of her head.

"I'm coming," he answers.

Hearing the scratching of pavement, Lila looks over her shoulder to find the black wolf and the brown wolf, that used to be Benjamin and Adonis, hot on her heels.

Screaming into the abyss of her future, the screech of a car fishtails ahead of her.

From behind, several more cars speed up to catch up to the wolves and their target. As the silver Mercedes in front comes to an abrupt halt, Lila is forced to stop with the car bellowing exhaust a few feet away. Recognizing the driver,  Lila isn't sure on what's reality and what's in her mind anymore.

It's her hospital visitor, Zachary Vasile.

Turning back to watch the two beasts as they are surrounded by Zachary's reinforcements, it's to Adonis that she finds her chest tightening. The devices in the hands of their herders emit a small ray of electricity that hits Adonis, bringing the wolf to yelp. As he's hit again, he falls.

"No!" She calls out in protest, but Zachary is there to jerk her back to his car.

In the passenger's seat, she watches as the black wolf who threatened her thuds next to Adonis on the ground. The Mercedes reverses, violently, before it speeds back the way it came.

Wiping at the black mascara and eyeliner that is streaming down her face, it's in Zachary that she hopes to find some sanity.

"What are they? How did you know where to find me?!" Lila shrieks.

The muscle in his jaw tightens. Clenching backward, forward, then releases down to its square point again before he answers.

"Lila, you're safe now. All of this will be fine by morning. You will see."

Clutching to her hair, her head, the last grips of her rationality, she yells out, "Like hell it is! Who the fuck are you people?!"

"Calm down. Don't curse, either. It's unbecoming," he replies.

She releases herself and seethes from over the center console, "Fuck you!"

His hand moves from the gear he shifts to her thigh just above the knee. In his grip, he gives her a tight squeeze. Quickly, Lila finds the heat in her blood has returned. With it, the anxiety for her life subsiding. A cloud fills her. Fluffy, white, fogging out everything she had to be fearful of. Forgetting, bit by bit, what she's witnessed, what she experienced with Benjamin, with Morganna, then she forgets about Adonis entirely.

Robotically she asks him as she returns properly to her seat, "Where are we going?"

Removing his touch, Zachary is back to shifting gears when they hit the highway to merge back into the city.

His eyes, beautiful, and every essence of captivating, meet hers as he lilts, "To the life you've always wanted, my love."

//Soundtrack song (Wolf shift scene and Lila's run): "Chasm" - Flyleaf:

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