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Julien's trademark cowboy boots sounded down the empty hallways.

A soldier of the revolutionary war and a survivor of this life as a vampire soon after, Julien's deep roots couldn't wait to flourish again in the south. Here, in Seattle, under the canopy of the Vasile's greed, dimmed the life within the true southerner.

He wanted to kill, to feed, to roam the world as a man. Being stifled rattled against his core and now that he was so close to his own freedom, he couldn't wait to taste it.

The leader of his clan, the clan he'd soon betray, turned the corner. The doctor followed the sounds of Julien's trademark boots and Darius' gaze expressed concern.

"Have you seen Zachary?" The vampire elder asks.

Julien's eerie yellow eyes traveled off to the side for a moment, before locking onto his once beloved father, his creator. Of course, Darius is unaware that this son was in the process of escorting in the vengeful wolves into his home.

Julien replies with lies thick on his fangs, "No, Darius. I haven't seen Zachary. Amelie is with Lila, though. Looks like your golden child will be running late this evening. Word is he told Lila he wouldn't be meetin' her till righ' before the fight this evening."

Darius sighed, distressed that his most involved child was missing on such an important night. And, spending it on the human who ruined their reputation, as well.

Julien burned his brother's body in the incinerator after securing Fang. In Zachary's death, Julie was confident he'd covered his tracks well.

Darius says, "I am going to go get ready, then. Hope to see you by my side this evening, son." Darius disappointingly tapped Julien's shoulder as he went to pass him, while Julien stifled the urge to bitterly knock the loving grip off.

The vampire son stood there for several moments, lost in his jealousy and grief over his father's obsession with this place and his fallen brother. When he's assured again that what he's doing is right, Julien plowed through the path he paved.

He would be personally bringing in four of the Seattle pack wolves, manipulating each vampire around them. His own kind attending the event would be too distracted to even notice the wolves in their flock of sheep. Lost, to the war in their midst.


"He's in here, Lila." Amelie lead the vision in blue to a hidden room. "You just push the palm of your hand here..." Amelie pointed to the area on the handle-free door. "And it will open!"

Lila looked at the vampire, saying a silent goodbye. Though, by every right, she should hate her, it's in the coming liberation and her helping Adonis that she can't. 

Amelie wrapped her arms around Lila, giving a loving hug.

She tells Lila, "I hope to see you again after all of this, under better circumstances. I'm sorry if I haven't been the best friend I could have been, Lila. I truly am, but I can give you this gift now."

Lila returned the hug, but said nothing.

She would miss Amelie, but was most grateful that all of this was almost over.

Amelie adds, "And don't worry, Julien and I will make sure you all get out. I will come back for you one last time. We will take it from there."

The hug broke and Amelie walked off, giving Lila one lasting look before turning the corner in her little black Chanel dress, then disappearing from Lila's sight.

Bringing her freshly manicured hand to the hidden door, she jumped back as the door slowly opened with the push of unseen mechanics. 

Before her, Adonis sat at the foot of a small bed.

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