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Fang paced back and forth in fury, staring down at the unconscious female with frustration as he struggled to understand why she wasn't moving.

The nasty Vasile boy harmed her and it gave him the strength to bring out his inner murderous fantasies upon the vampire. The sight of them had driven him to his true form, breaking through the confines of suppressants the doctor gave him to keep him from shifting.

His padded paws were the only sound besides that of the distant incinerator. Fang's huffs of reeling anger filled in the broken beats. He stared down at the girl on the floor, wondering if this was truly the girl that had been occupying his thoughts, his dreams, his fantasies.

He felt no hard feelings towards this human, which baffled him. All faces he had recognized while in these confines, had only resonated hate and pain, most importantly, fear.

What was he before he had come into this world?

Fang huffed harder, quickening his paces as his memory strained.

His eyes narrowed as he focused in further on the girl's bruised cheek. This face before him, was beaten out of him by the hands of the Vasile and drugged out by the doctor. Now, she was here and one of his hated masters now lay dead between them.

Fang transformed back into his disguise of human, as he slowly approached the girl. He would try to call to her, but all that could escape his scarred lips was a sorrowful moan. Being gentle was an action that had long escaped the shape-shifter, but he carefully scooped her up into his arms. The smell of her enveloped his nostrils and he closed his eyes momentarily, taking in the sweet scent of unknown comparison that had haunted him in his once pleasant dreams.

He mourned for himself, but mainly, he mourned for her. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had failed her, that he was meant to protect her. Now, they both were suffering with his ineptness.

He took her to the corner of the room, having nowhere else to go and sank down with her slowly to the cold floor. There, he held her, rocking her as he listened to the calm beating of her strained heart. He wished he could beg her with words to open her eyes, but the skill to vocalize human words had escaped him. Tears fell from Fang's dark eyes, some clinging to his full lashes as he stared down at her paled face.

This was a familiar sight to him, one that came to him now as he remembered her being attacked in the alley all that time ago. He rested his cheek against her forehead as he held her close, trying to conjure up happier memories. Maybe, he didn't know her for as long as he felt he did. Perhaps, this was something more. Something, tied to his kind, but certainly not hers.

Footsteps with a quickened beat approached from the hall. Appearing in the doorway was the Vasile who wore those leather boots and the female, his mate, who always wore the irritating clicking shoes. Fang growled protectively over the human, staring the pair down with malice if they dared approach.

He watched them go to their slain brother, but not a trickle of grief graced their features. They looked to one another, in some silent conversation, before they turned his way. Fang braced for an attack, if they'd vengeance for their fallen brother.

The male vampire approached. In response, Fang shifted into his wolf form and charged, only to be met by the predictable pain of the taser.

To the vampire's surprise, Fang was able to shake off the strong voltage and charged towards the vampires again.

Looking momentarily baffled by his immunity to the electric shock, the Vasile brother shot again and this time, it struck true. Fang fell to the floor in spasms, as the vampire wife unloaded a sleeping serum into his veins.

All went dark.

Fang shifted back to being a man, welcoming the black calmness with disturbing relief.


Lila woke in a bed she didn't recognize.

Soreness radiated and she remembered all-too-well the horrific events of the night before. The digital clock overhead read the late evening hour. She hoped she slept through only one day and not for the few days her body would need to fully recover. Looking around, she slowly realized she was in Amelie's room and as if on cue, the vampire entered from a hidden side room.

"Where's Adonis?" Lila spills out.

Amelie put her hands up in an attempt to calm the human's rising panic. "He's fine. He's resting. He's in good hands, I promise, Lila. You will see him soon, we have to stage him for the fight."

"What?!" Lila flung herself off the bed, staggering to her feet as her head swam. Her anger over being separated from Adonis and the fact that Amelie allowed Zachary to do what he did, caused Lila to foolishly lunge after her.

The tiny vampire simply held Lila out at arm's length while the human thrashed in a frail attempt to harm the immortal.

"Adonis won't actually fight! Lila, please! Julien and I went down there to help you! I got the vision too late! The wolves are invading tonight, Lila, we have a plan with them! They're coming to save you all. Please believe me! We are trying to help!"

Lila stilled between huffs of upset breaths, meeting the vampire's bright gaze to try and see truth within those deadly orbs.

Amelie appeared upset. Her brow furrowed in a desperate attempt for Lila's trust.

Her grip on Lila relaxed and soon, she lowered her hands off of her bare arms. The vampire had changed Lila into a simple black tank top and sweats. Obviously, having her taken care of after what her monstrous brother had done to her.

Lila wanted to cry. Her face scrunched up and tears welled in her eyes, but her fury over the injustices brought upon her and the wolves kept them from falling.

Her eyes dead-set on Amelie's, Lila voiced, "Dress me up one last time. I swear this will be my last charade with your forsaken family."

Amelie nodded in agreement, but with sadness in her eyes.

She'd miss the human, and the opportunity to have her as a sister had been thrown out the window a long time ago. Once upon a time, Amelie had her hopes up about the idea of Lila being a vampire alongside the Vasiles. Of course, that was back when Amelie felt their family was worth still saving.

She sighed and turned on one uplifting heel. Out of her closet, she pulled a sky blue gown with matching heels, just for her favorite human.

"Then I will enjoy my last night being your sister, Lila." Amelie smiled sadly, as she left her to get ready.

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