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Darius had seen this couple before.

The woman stood out, always, because of her vibrant hair and expensive furs. The pair had been to every one of his dog's fights in the past month, yet never placed a dollar on the line for any side. It intrigued him and they approached him, finally. After they introduce themselves, both James and Ingrid, he learned why.

The woman spoke as she tightened the white fox shawl over her shoulders. "We have a proposition for you, Dr. Vasile. We've traveled a long way to find a good breeder and we believe we've found it in your animal, Fang." Her eyes were a piercing red, just as fiery as her hair that pinned halfway up in curls that flowed down to her hips.

"Breeder? You two breed these animals?" Darius' eyebrow peeked, knowing the process of breeding was rare, with his own clan having one successful offspring from one of his champions nearly a hundred years ago. These conditions, the mental state of his animals trained to kill their own kind, didn't suit well for breeding.

Her mate decided to interject. "We've recently taken in a female fighter and like yours, she's of a bigger build. And, from what I understand with your Fang, from royal bloodlines."

Darius' eyes darkened with dread. Sensing his guard rising, Marie joined his side, taking his arm to hold the hook of her own.

"Don't worry," James assured him. "We won't tell anyone about your monster and that he's not a standard werewolf. Like yours, ours shares the assassin blood."

Ingrid says, "They are a rare breed. We've only found ours here, just outside of Seattle."

Darius looked away, with Marie still holding onto her husband's arm to keep him there. Less than thrilled with sharing their secret advantage, or their secrets in general, it's Marie that sees great promise in the deal she overheard.

Marie advises in hushed tones, "If you left a trail we are all in grave danger. Some of their pack still remains. Considering we have their alpha too, we're certain they'll stop at nothing. I can guess who you've captured. Needless to say, I'm disappointed you were able to catch the one wolf we missed."

"Do not fret, dear Vasiles. We never leave a trail in anything. We are but nomads, just us two, in the pursuit of prized wolf bloodlines." James smirked, wondering why they so highly doubted their skills. "We've been in this business for over a hundred years, perfecting the perfect method for breeding the next champions."

Darius met his gaze, his annoyance evident. "I've been doing this for hundreds of years, James." His amber eyes narrowed. "I think I would have seen you in the sidelines somewhere before."

"No, no." James shook his head. "We work behind the scenes as breeders alone, not as gamblers or fighters. Back to what we were getting at before, we'd be interested in mating our wolf, with yours, to create a gold mine for a new breed of fighters in your arena and in the arenas across the globe. Splitting the profits from each sale fifty, fifty, and taking a percentage from the winnings of the pup you choose to take as your own. We will do all the work, the only thing we're missing is your wolf and your connections to possible buyers."

The Vasile pair exchanged a silent conversation, but there was no denying the money that could be made with this genius idea. All this couple had to do, was prove it. Prove, that they could do, what so many of them had failed to achieve...to create a litter of their own.

"Very well then, James. Ingrid." Darius nodded to the woman. "How do we go about this?"

Ingrid smiled with excitement as James took care of business talk.

"All we need is your permission to put several injections into your animal over the course of a week. It will be safe for him and if anything, will enhance his fighting with the rush of hormones..." James assured him. "It won't damage him, or impair him in the slightest. It's necessary to give them what captivity takes away in their primal urges. For this to go smoothly, they both need to be in human form. Our staff is fully capable of handling this."

Holding out his hand in agreement, Darius took it and shook it with reluctance. "If he becomes damaged in any way for the main fight during the moon, you will owe me millions." It was obvious that Darius meant more than just a fee as punishment. The doctor says, "I'll be sending one of my children to chaperone and I'll require proof, paperwork, a contract before these injections can begin."

"I'll have my lawyers draw up the contract." James shook his hand as Ingrid clapped to her excitement.


Back in his room, Adonis sat, never thinking he'd be so happy to see his owner entering the room with his medical kit.

"Take your time, why don't ya?" Adonis said bitterly, holding onto the loose flap of skin underneath a good pint of blood that had stained on both his hand and bare leg.

"I'm sorry about that." Darius apologized and pulled up his stool that he always kept in the room for his workings on his prized fighter. "I was held up."

Immediately, Darius started to clean his injury, leaving Adonis to hiss at the sting. As he threaded his needle and began to stitch him up, Darius shook his head as he saw the injury already tried to heal itself incorrectly.

The doctor asks rhetorically, "He got you good, huh?"

The wolf known as Fang sat silently, taking in the painful stitches as he had done so many times before without a whimper. There would only be one day to pass before it healed completely, which was the bright side to all this.

Thinking of the last time he got hurt this bad, the memory plays in Fang's mind. He'd tried to escape, attacking Darius and only getting down the hall when he got electrocuted by tasers. It was his last attempt, for he knew that hurting his owner would only lead to him being beaten and going hungry for days.

After Dr. Vasile finished stitching him up and protecting the wound from water, he felt it necessary that Fang took his shower tonight, much to the wolf's relief.

Armed escorts soon met Fang, the weapons always ready for the imprisoned wolves to lash out.

Unaware of the deal made this very evening between his owner and another fanger, he may have taken his chance tonight against them. His last chance, before he truly got to know the deepest dimension of hell in the world of the vampires.

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