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Chapter 3

All of Thursday Haley had puttered around the house or her room with Tyson. He helped her or really did it by himself in getting down suitcases and they did a little bit of everything. Tyson had already packed up his room and was going through Haley's to see if she wanted to bring everything in it or just some stuff.

'Are we driving?' Haley wrote down on her pad of paper she had in her room.

"Yeah it will be about thirteen hours, give or take a few. Dad wants to drive the whole way." Tyson answered letting her know partly how they would go about getting to their new home.

Haley nodded knowing she would want and need a pad of paper, a pen, and a blanket in the car with her.

At dinner Steven gave everyone the plan for tomorrow.

They would pack everything needed into the car tonight the rest would be picked up by a friend and sent over. They would be leaving the house at three o'clock in the morning. Around seven or eight they would most likely drive through for breakfast and take a bathroom stop. They had snacks that Bethany had already packed in the car for lunch and would take a bathroom break as needed. With the hopes to arrive by about three or four but with the time change it will really be about five o'clock there.

Depending on what they felt like by the time they got there they would ether unload a few things, all things or just go to bed. The house was bought semi furnished so they had beds and couches already there for them.

Haley just nod to the plan not really caring how they got there, in what time frame or what order. All she knew is they were going to White River and that they were going to basically be surrounded by pure, luscious, green forest.

Haley helped clean and then box the rest of the silverware that they had used for dinner with Bethany. Steven and Tyson were loading the big car with as much stuff as they could possibly fit. The hardest part was fitting in the rest of Bethany's clothes. Both of the men had two suitcases and two other bags. Haley only had one suitcase and two bags where as Bethany had Three suitcases and three bags.

Tyson cursed as a high heel stabbed his hand through the bag. He was so frustrated that he just threw the bag in closing the back hatch.

All of the appliances and furniture would be sold with the house making Haley's room look clean but dull. Walking up the stairs Haley only had blank walls, a chest for her clothes, and the bed. The bed held the blanket she would bring with them tomorrow and the clothes that she would throw on in the morning. She was now in pajamas that she could easily put in the car or slide in a bag.

Her thick heavy curls began to start bothering her as she started to get a headache. She felt like she could feel every single follicle of hair as everything from the very short week had built up.

She walked to find Bethany changing into her night wear. Beth smiled as Haley walked in. She held up a hair tie which was her way of asking the question.

"Braided my darling?" Bethany asked as Haley nodded sitting on the edge of the bed.

Bethany started the braid with Haley's unkept and unruly curls that were more like waves at times. Admiring the shoulder length dark brown hair with natural highlights of a lighter brown shade running through few strands.

"Does it hurt?" She asked gently pulling more hair into the braid. Bethany knew that Haley had a headache and was asking about it. A nod came from Haley.

Bethany had a weird instinct on knowing everything that could be wrong and would be wrong and is wrong with Tyson and Haley. It was like a mom instinct. She knew Haley liked her hair braided when she was getting or had a headache. She also seemed to know what causes her headache, when, and what would help relieve or get completely rid of it.

Bethany massaged Haley briefly once she had finished the braid. At the top of her neck and base of her skull she applied pressure releasing tension from her head and back. Now relaxed Haley started to feel more tired and sleepy. She signed goodnight to Bethany and walked into the room of nothing cuddling into the blanket she got from her parents on her tenth Christmas.

They were out shopping together and Haley saw it in a baby store. She felt it and instantly fell in love. It had reminded her of a baby blanket she had when she was young. One side was silk that she would rub on her face at night while falling asleep and the other side was Cotton, but this blanket was more extravagant and finely detailed as well as much bigger being the size of an actual blanket instead of a baby blanket. Her parents told her that they were a little tight on money as it was the Christmas season. Haley understood after she looked at the price of a hundred dollars. In her young mind that was more than expensive. She dismissed the thoughts of having the blanket without a complaint and moved on.

That Christmas morning the exact blanket with a cream silk trim and a tan fuzzy sides was a Christmas present. She forever loved it and always slept with it. At this point she couldn't get to sleep without it unless she was that tired. The light touch of silk against her skin pulled her into a soft warm sleep.

AN: I hope you enjoy this book and keep reading!

I love you my beautiful people!

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