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Chapter 4

So it was two fifty in the morning when Steven went around pounding on all the bedroom doors startling Tyson from his sleep as he jumped from his peaceful sleep falling out of the bed onto the floor as he was at the edge of the bed to begin with. Steven then walked to Haley's room opening it up and shaking her awake.

When Steven made a plan he really likes to stick to it. It was almost three and they were not in the car.

Tyson realized this and stated to rush. He hated when his dad yelled at him and even more when it was because he didn't stick to a stupid plan that his father thought was so important.

Tyson then realized that Haley had never been through a plan rage, by his father, as he likes to call it. This made him hurry to pull on his shirt as he started running into Haley's room. She had finished pulling up her pants as he barged right in. She only had a thin camisole on as her sleeping shirt but her breasts had shrunk with the weight loss so there wasn't much to see and if anything Tyson was the only boy to see anything of hers.

"Pick up your shoes we have to get in the car before dad starts yelling!" Tyson rushed out grabbing the jacket she was going to wear and he picked up the flannel pajama shorts she had next to it.

After she picked up her shoes barely grabbing her blanket she was thrown over the shoulder of Tyson. He ran down the stairs as his father opened the front door. He got in to the car pulling Haley from his should into his lap.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't want us to get yelled at." He spoke breathlessly as he hugged her.

She nodded and Tyson helped her over to the passenger side of the car.

"Hopefully mom gets here in time so you don't have to experience dads rage." Haley nodded again but this time with a purpose.

She was still half asleep and wanted to go back to sleep. Yelling was never on her list of things to hear especially now that it was almost three in the morning and she was tired.

Bethany got in the passenger seat with her purse and a bag of anything important left through the house along with snacks for the road.

Steven got in the car and started it up. It was two fifty nine, just saving the three from getting yelled at over a minute. Haley sat there staring at the next door house silently saying her goodbyes and I love yous in her head.

By the time Steven pulled out of the driveway Tyson was leaning against the door with one leg up on Haley's lap and she was also leaning on the door wrapped up in her blanket.

The two in the back drifted to sleep before the streets turned into freeway. Bethany was in and out of a light sleep as this was really early for her but she wanted to stay up to make sure her husband was okay to drive, knew where to go, and was aware of his surroundings with the early time.

Hours later she looked to the backseat. Spread across the back seat was her six foot son who's head was now laying in the curled up lap of Haley. Haley had stayed in almost the exact same position except for the angle of her head and the way her lap was positioned now with Tyson's big head on it. Beth smiled at the two. They were always good friends when they were little and then they got super close as brother and sister. Where Haley was Tyson was and where Tyson was Haley was. It's just how the two were growing up. After Haley stop talking and started to isolate herself Tyson was really the only one that she was around longer than thirty minutes at a time. Bethany was the next person she would spend the most time with. She always thought it was because she had always seen her as an aunt and would come to her if she needed something, like Christmas gifts for her parents.

Bethany missed Hadlee and Jake. They were always like family spending time together and helping one another. They always protected each other and took responsibility for each other's children when the other couldn't. They had promised each other that if anything ever happened they would keep the others child safe and cared for.

That's a small part of why they're moving, as well as Tyson becoming Alpha and running a pack.

Haley's parents weren't just killed by a thief who didn't want caught. It was all planed out. And according to the note they had found before finding Haley, she was their next target. She just never needed to know that. Steven and Tyson could never even figure out who 'they' were as well so they didn't know who to look out for.

The two families weren't in a pack now besides the Alpha work from afar that Steven did and both had left loving packs filled with their families so that was out of the running. For goodness sakes Haley didn't even know werewolves were a thing. Let alone that she and all the people around her were one.

No one understood why Haley didn't shift and she never thought anything of it as she was raised in a civilized town with some humans. Wolves couldn't just go running around whenever they wanted and her parents didn't know how to tell her.

Haley had woke up to eat and to pee. Bethany and Tyson had switched spots so she could nap before they arrived. They only had about an hour or so left to go before they arrived at the house. The whole family had stayed awake for the last two hours of the trip as they soon pulled into the street with three big houses spaced out facing a line of forest trees. Steven pulled into the last driveway and shut off the car.

Haley took in the plush forest green grass the covered the whole yard until it meet a brick walkway heading to a bright red door covered by a porch. The whole house was a very light gray with a tint of brown and the trimming around the roof, windows, and door frame was a white making the house look clean.

Hope you have a safe Memorial Day and take a minute to thank the fallen for our lives and freedom.

Have a great day cuties!
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