0.7 » you will not disobey me

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just a little heads up, this chapter contains strong language (a bit) and violence (a bit) so be sure you're comfortable :)

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After we finished our pizza we decided to go back to school since each of us had an important test in fifth period, and sixth would just be English class which was easily comparable to a free.

Fortunately fifth passed by quickly and without any further incidents, and when Steve sat down next to me for sixth he turned to me.

"If anything happens, tell me, okay?" I nodded.

Other people started pouring into the room and soon every seat was filled, I leaned back in my chair but instead of opening my binder to draw again I attached my gaze to the little window in the door which showed the hallway.

"You waiting for someone?" Billy asked and I jumped, slouching back down again, frowning. "No," I answered, trying to calm down. Steve eyed me from the side, a worried look plastered all over his face, while he tore a piece of paper into tiny bits.

"It's nothing. I'm just tired," I quickly added, continuously switching between staring at the board and staring at the door. I must look like I'm off my meds or something, I thought to myself, almost smiling when someone passed the door. It felt as though someone had pulled away the floor from underneath my feet. Like I was falling into a deep dark abyss with no sign of stopping or escaping. It felt as though my stomach dropped to the ground.

An adult. No teacher. Rather chubby, mid-fourties, greyish brown hair, tall.


My hand shot up into the air immediately.

"Mr Brown could I please go see the nurse? I'm not feeling well." Our teacher turned around, scanning me sceptically. "You do look really pale Ms Lockwood. Someone accompany her please, who's done already? Mr Hargrove?"

I stopped dead in my tracks, already halfway out if my seat. Steve stared at me with eyes the size of the moon, I just shook my head with a frown.

"Just to make sure you don't pass out. Now get going you two," Mr Brown demanded, I picked up my stuff and left the room, followed by Billy.

"Did you see a ghost or what's wrong with you?" He asked as soon as the door had shut behind us. I didn't answer, quietly headed towards the nurses office but stopped in front of the registration table. Aside from Hopper, the Secretary was the only person who knew about the reason I was here, just in case something went wrong.

"Can you check me out for the day? I just saw him here, in the building," I hissed, hoping Billy wouldn't hear anything. The Secretary just nodded quietly, writing something down, as I turned around to leave the building.

"Lockwood, what's going on?" - "I'm not feeling good. So I'm going home." - "You looked fine just a minute ago, but your face suddenly went from pale to pale green like you'd seen something," He insisted and I stopped walking, turned back around to look at him.

"Look. Let's say you stay out here for another five minutes, then you go back to class and say I have a high fever and was sent home." - "Okay but what exactly-"
I slapped my hand over his mouth, pulling him into an open closet, shutting the door behind us.

"You see ... as much as I'm enjoying this situation, would you mind filling me in on the details?" He asked, his voice slightly muffled due to my hand.

"Shut it, Hagrove," I snarled, slowly removing my hand from his face. I could see the shadow of someone walking past the door and held my breath, feeling even more light-headed than before.

Even after the shadow had disappeared I stayed as quiet as possible, the smell of cleaning detergent making me dizzy, while Billy let out an exaggerated sigh.

"You can come out now," The Secretary suddenly said on the other side of the door and I finally allowed myself to breathe properly again. The light on the hallway was almost blindingly bright, I squinted out of the now empty door frame and held onto the wall for support. My knees started to feel weak, my hands started to sweat.

Not a panic attack.

Not now.


"What kind of trouble are you in?" Billy asked, walking in front of me, looking me in the eyes. "What did you do? Steal something? Or worse? I heard your aunt is a lawyer I'm sure she'll get you out of there," He cackled, but I barely listened.

"She indeed is a great lawyer."

My stomach dropped even farther and my vision went blurry when I heard that voice. That voice that was just way too familiar, even after years of not hearing it out loud anymore.

"Aren't you going to look at me? Ah, you know what. We'll save that for later, yeah?"
I felt a hand on my shoulder, weighing heavy, too close to my neck and it felt like my whole left arm was going numb.

"I'll be waiting for you at home then," He finished, the hand disappeared as fast as it had shown up, and I heard footsteps behind me.

Everything went cold and in a matter of seconds I pulled out the knife from the inside of my jacket, dropping everything else to the floor, slamming my father face first into the lockers. I held one of his arms behind his back, pressing the knife up to his face.

"You are not going to wait anywhere. You are going to go home. And by that I mean you are going to go back to Seattle. You are going to go back to Seattle and never come back here ever again. We will go through with the lawsuit and you will never see me again. Do you understand?"

He let out a whizzing laugh. "You wouldn't have the guts to hurt me."

"Oh really? I wouldn't be too sure about that," I hissed, pressing the knife against his cheek, just so it barely scratched the surface, making a small trickle of blood run down to his collar.

"NO!" He boomed, fled around in rage before I could react at all and crushed my head into the lockers, making me fall to the ground. The next thing I knew was him yelling "YOU WILL NOT DISOBEY ME!" before running off and leaving the building before I could show any further reaction.

"Okay what the fuck," Billy exclaimed, helping me onto my feet. Without a word I picked up my bag. "So nothing, huh?" - "It's complicated," I said, my voice merely a whisper. "You should get back to class."

"And what are you gonna do? You could easily have a concussion." Furrowing his brows he looked at the now slightly dented locker. "I'll be heading home still." - "Not now you won't," Billy decided, grabbing my hand. "You should actually go see a doctor." Shaking my head I looked up at him. "I'll go home. I'll cope," I said, squirming free of his grip, and left the building without looking back.

Cameron would be at home, which meant even if that asshole dared showing up he wouldn't be greeted nicely. I just hoped he didn't hurt my cousin.

We'd deal with this, somehow.

Things would be fine eventually.

Or so I hoped.

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