0.35 » happier

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"I didn't know you and Billy were actually so close!" Carol called out to me as I started drying my hair. I pretended not to hear her. As she got closer to me the look in her eyes changed slightly.
"You know he's only gonna bang you once and then drop you like a stone."
Stuffing the towel into my bag I gave her a smile. "That what he did with you?" - "Tsk!"

She sashayed out of the room without another word, followed by her usual entourage. Clearly I'd hit a weak spot and I silently congratulated myself on the small victory.

The rest of the day dragged on the way it always did and I felt relieved walking out of school that afternoon, hurrying over to my car where I found a note attached to my windshield wipers.

'Gotta babysit the entire week but if you want you can swing by my place any time before six.'

I looked at Billys car that was parked just a few spaces away and he winked at me, which caused me to laugh before I got into my own car and made my way home. I had promised Steve to fill him in on everything he'd missed, so I pulled into the Harringtons driveway just about twenty minutes later.

"What the hell is this?!" He complained when I handed him the homework list and laughed out loud.
"See, if you don't come to school for the math, the math comes to you." - "Okay, that is the creepiest thing you could possibly say."

We spent the entire afternoon trying to figure out what exactly the teacher wanted us to do, until Mrs Harrington asked us to call it a day and come downstairs for dinner. I hadn't even realised time had gone by so quickly.

"What about you, dear, anyone you're interested in?" she asked and I almost choked on my soda, while her husband rolled his eyes. Steve's mom had been sort of like a substitute mother ever since Steve and I had become friends, so I wouldn't be surprised if she already knew that something was different. Mothers had that kind of instinct - good ones at least.

"Uh … me? Interested in someone?" I asked and Steve chuckled.
"Yeah, you seem like you are!"
Called it, some proud voice in my brain yelled out and I shook my head slowly.

"No, not really," I then said, setting my glass down again, constantly reminding myself that I wasn't lying to Steve right now, but to his mother. It didn't work.
Mrs Harrington however proceeded to tell me about how her and Steves father had met for probably the seventh time and I was just glad the topic seemed to be over.

The next day I went home right away to feed and play with Loki for a bit, and around four I got back into the car.
When I knocked at the door there was no response for a really long time until it finally opened and Max looked up at me, a confused expression on her face.
"Hey Max," I greeted her and smiled, while she still looked like I'd just come back from the dead.

"Lucy, what are you doing here? You're not here for Billy, are you?" She added the last bit a little quieter and I furrowed my brows.

"Actually, I am."

Letting out a huff she opened the door and turned around, heading back to her room immediately. I stayed where I was for a moment until Billy came walking up and closed the door behind me.

"Hope she didn't weird you out too much," he said as he hugged me, lifting me up into the air so that I had to wrap my legs around his waist.

"Nah, takes a lot more than that to weird me out."
Billy grinned and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my lips onto his.

"I could get used to that," he chuckled and set me back down on the ground. "Now this shithole here isn't as nice as your place but it works I guess." - "It's not that bad," I said and followed Billy into his room, sitting down on the edge of the bed while he scoffed. "Yeah, no. It is."

I pointed to the vinyl taped to his wall. "Now that's good." - "What, you listen to Metallica?" he questioned and dropped down next to me.

We spent a surprisingly huge amount of time talking about music, at some point ended up at the topic movies. Both somehow oddly sprawled across the bed, sharing a cigarette and the radio quietly playing in the background, I felt happy.

"What's on your mind?" he asked and sat up, putting out the cigarette in the ashtray on the bedside table. I furrowed my brows. "What do you mean?" - "You just stared at me funny, I was wondering what's going on in that little head of yours."

Laughing I sat up as well and gave him a smile. "I'm happy … and I probably just totally jinxed it by saying that out loud," I added, running a hand through my hair.
Billy smiled as well. "Well if you're happy right now that's enough-"

There was a loud bang as the front door was slammed shut and Billy jolted up onto his feet, rummaging around his desk for a while. He handed me an empty folder and I already assumed his father had just come home.

"Say I helped you prep for the Spanish test?" - "You're the best," he sighed and pulled me back in for another kiss, until somebody loudly knocked on the door. Billy instantly let go of me, keeping a hand on my back though. "It's open!"
The door opened and the look the man had on his face strongly reminded me of my own father. I forced a smile while he scanned me from head to toe.

"What's this one's name?" Ouch.

Billy was still resting his hand on the small of my back but I could feel that he was slowly balling it to a fist. "Her name is Lucy and she helped me prepare for my Spanish test on Friday," he explained through clenched teeth and his father raised an eyebrow.

"Well, Lucy," he practically spat out my name while giving me a more than obvious fake smile. "I was just about to leave, don't worry," I interrupted him, readjusting the folder in my hands a little.

"Are you sure don't want to have dinner with us, dear?" a woman that appeared behind him said, giving me a seemingly more genuine smile. I assumed that was Max' mother.
"Thanks, I appreciate the offer, but I really have to get back home."
Billy nodded and I saw something in Mr Hargroves smile darken. I just hoped I didn't get him into trouble already.

"I'll see her out," he then said and gave me a gentle push forward. I shuffled past the two adults, smiling at both, calling back a short "It was nice meeting you" just to be polite. Max was sitting in the living room and still eyed me skeptically when I waved at her when passing.

Outside the front door Billy rubbed his face with his hand and gave me a weak smile. "I should've paid attention to the time, sorry." - "It's okay. I'll see you tomorrow?" - "Yeah."

And with that and a short goodbye kiss I got back into my car and drove back home, where Loki awaited me, demanding to go on a walk.

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