0.39 » closure

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It was December 28th, we were in Seattle and I was rummaging through my bag for my sketchbook. There was a knock at the door and I turned around as Alice cracked it open a slight bit.
"You busy?" - "Nah, come in," I said, dropping down in the floor next to my open bag, apologizing for the mess.
"What's up?"

Alice sat down on the edge of the bed and gave me a nervous smile. "If this is about Cam-" - "Am I that easy to read?" she interrupted and I laughed, finally spotting my sketchbook and holding it up triumphantly.
"So… are you okay with, you know…" - "Am I okay with you and Cameron being together? Of course! You make him happy. Happier than I've seen him in a long time."

Relief washed over her pale face as she nervously picked at the fabric of her skirt. "I just thought, since you two were so close … he values your opinion a lot and if you didn't like me-"

I got up which caused Alice to stop talking, and I gave her a smile as I sat down next to her.
"But that's not the case. Is that all you wanted to know?"
She nodded and mirrored my smile, the colour slowly returning to her face. As she was about to get up I grinned to myself and grabbed her arm.

"I do like you, so you better not end up hurting him. He's like a brother to me, which means if somebody hurts him, I hurt them."

Her eyes grew wide and she nodded, gulping, which caused me to start laughing again. Alice seemed confused by my sudden change of moods and I stood up as well, giving her a hug.
"Sorry, I saw the opportunity and I took it. But seriously, if you hurt him you're screwed." - "I won't, promise." - "Good!"

Still looking a bit taken aback she left the room again and I chucked, sitting down on the bed and resuming the portrait sketch of Cameron and Alice I had started Christmas Eve.

Later that day, Cameron and I went out to visit an old bookstore he had stumbled upon a while ago. I was surprised that he didn't bring Alice along, as ever since his parents had approved their relationship they'd been practically inseperable. But at the same time I was glad I got to spend some quality time just with him.

"So, when are you going to introduce me to that Billy guy anyway?" He asked as we got out of the taxi and I shoved my hands into the pockets of my coat, shrugging.

"Is he treating you right? I talked to Steve and-"
I sighed. "And I assume that Steve told you about Billys anger management issues?" - "He did tell me that guy was responsible for one of your black eyes a while ago. I just wanna make sure you're not being pressured into anything you might not want."

We had stopped walking and Cameron was now looking directly at me, arms crossed in front of his chest.
"I can guarantee you that I'm not being pressured into anything." I could see a hint of relief in his stern expression, but he didn't respond and just kept looking. "Yes, he does have issues and yes, he still struggles a lot. But he's changing, I can see it. It's not perfect, no, but he's trying and I'm doing my best to support him because frankly, nobody else really does." - "Just know that you're not obligated to try and fix him at all costs."

A car drove by and we stepped to the side in order to avoid getting sprayed with muddy snow-puddle water.

"I know that, Cam. We're sort of- fixing each other. There's just this connection, the way we can understand-" - "Alright alright I get it. Cute. But still, be careful … in, you know, every way." - "Jeez, of course!"
I smacked his shoulder and continued walking, soon enough hearing him catch up to me.

The bookstore was stunning. I took in the scent of the pages and herbs; the shelves were packed with literary works and there were stacks of books that almost reached the ceiling. Soft greens and browns were everywhere, giving the entire store a very natural feel.

"I'll be in the psychology section," Cameron whispered and I nodded, heading towards the comic section. I still needed to get a Christmas present for Steve. Billy had gotten his right before I left for the airport, but I prohibited him from opening it before the 25th. If he listened was a whole other story.

I spent a good thirty minutes in the comic section, only to then move on to artist books and biographies. Another hour later there was still no sign from my cousin, so I followed the wooden signs to the psychology section, only to find him sitting on the ground, a pile of books next to him.

With a chuckle I grabbed the one that was closest to me and examined it until Cameron finally decided on what to buy and he now almost hurriedly paid.
It had started snowing again and I took a few minutes to just stand on the sidewalk, probably also in everybody's way, and stare at the dancing snowflakes.

Just as we were about to make our way back to the car, I felt a tap on my shoulder and sighed, turning around.

"Lucy, honey!"

Cameron immediately shoved me behind his back and held up a hand. "Do not even think about coming one step closer."

My mother was just standing there, mouth agape, looking like a total wreck. The dark circles under her eyes, her messy hair, the glassy look in her eyes - it all gave me an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach.

And here I thought I'd severed all ties with the past.

I could spot a man in a suit not too far from us, watching the situation unfold, and I wondered if this was part of the probation.
"Luce, let's go." - "Please don't!" My mother called out and I grabbed onto Cameron's sleeve. He gave me a pleading look as to just move on and leave her here, but I had to admit I was curious what she had to say.

"What do you want?" I asked, voice as cold and reserved as possible.
"I want to apologize."
Furrowing my brows I felt Cameron step next to me again, hovering, seemingly ready to just grab me and run.

"I'm listening."

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I never did anything. I'm sorry I never said anything to anyone. I'm sorry all of this ever happened. You don't have to forgive me, because I know you won't, but I just want you to know that I am truly sorry for everything I did. For everything he did. I understand if you never want to see my face again, and I promise, from now on I will leave you alone." She shot a quick glance at the man in the suit behind her, which only confirmed my suspicion of him having something to do with the sentence. "You look so … alive. I'm glad. I wish you all the best for your future, my child."

I blinked a few times, still holding onto Cameron's sleeve, and began nodding slowly, as he slowly pulled me away from her and towards the car.

"Thank you."

× × ×

A/N: Alright you guys-
I started uploading this almost a year ago, and now this story is soon coming to an end. This is the last authors note you're gonna see in this fanfic. The next chapter is going to be the epilogue.
I've never been good at finishing things, and though I did want to delve into some more drama with this fic, I figured it would end up being too much.
I hope you've enjoyed this story, and I hope you will enjoy the epilogue (that I'm yet to finish but it will be up soon💀 it's gonna be real cute though, possibly a bit cheesy but fuck it💫). Maybe I'll come back with another Billy or a Season 3 fanfic in the future...?👀 We'll see.

I just want to thank all of you for reading, voting and commenting and basically giving me motivation to write more.
Thank you.❤

GONE GIRL » Billy HargroveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant