Growing up

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Just Incase I didn't find them all:
Ace= Nation

3rd person pov-

"Denim can you ask janay if she wants to come play with me on the big slide?" 7year old Denim frowned and turned away from the boy. She skipped to her twin sister who wasn't that much older just a few minutes .

"Nay, Mikey wants you to play with him." She said interrupting her conversation with the big kids.

She watched as her sisters friends glared at her. Then she looked back at her sister. "Really! Yes!" Janay was dancing all over the place making people laugh. She always drew all kinds of attention from just breathing.

Denim on the other hand was the opposite. People always preferred her sister over her simply beacuse she was better. She had better clothes, shoes She was prettier she had better hair she was funnier she was even girlier. Janay was just simply better.

Denim went over to she swing set and just pushed the swing playing by herself. She never really had friends they would all just leave her for her sister.

Denim wasn't mad at her sister she loved her sister. She just simply understood that thier not equal.

————Early 7th grade year—————

"Wow I would kill to be with such a goddess as Janay . Shes just perfect." A group of guys said as they strolled past Denim's locker. She scoffed and rolled her eyes pulling out her Algebra text book. She ignored everybody and went to class. She patiently waited for the bell to ring.

"Alright class pass up your homework." The teacher said and Denim rummaged threw her folder looking for the loose leaf paper. She came up empty handed remembering she gave it to Janay beacuse she wasn't in class yesterday. She looked back to where she usually sat but it was empty.

"Denim where is your paper?" The teacher asked tilting his head.

"Ummm Je-" "sorry I'm late Mr.B." Denim watched as her maths teacher frown turned into a huge grin. "I hope you don't mind Denim let me borrow her paper."

"Oh no that's fine." She strolled to her seat in the back where her main group of friends where. The teacher started his lesson but was interrupted for a second time by a knock on the door. It opened and everybody watched as Leilani a new student walked in. For once nobody was interested in Janay they watched intently as she talked to the teacher and then sat down in the empty seat behind Denim.

Denim on the other hand didn't seem to be paying much attention. She waited patiently for the teacher to begin teaching. She felt something stab her in the back and she turned around.

"Do you have a eraser?" Leilani whispered ignoring the many people who Where offering her a eraser.

Denim nodded and took a brand new eraser out her pencil pouch. She handed it to Leilani who was smiling like a dumbass. Thier fingers touched and Denim pulled her hand away quickly turning around. Leilani didn't bother her for the rest of class. But she couldn't help but stare at the back of her head.

"Aye wait up here's your eraser." Leilani held on tightly to Denim's arm and had her eraser in the other hand. Denim looked her up and down before snatching her arm away.

"Thanks." She took the eraser and walked away. Leilani smiled and caught up with her.

"Wait can I at least g-" "her number is 440-265-0637" Denim interrupted Leilani giving her sisters number. Leilani tilted her head confused.

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