Mi reina

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3 years later

Leilani smirked at Shane who was chained up in front of her. She was contemplating wether she should cut her fingers or cut out her tongue . She already had rings that connected to the chains piercing both of his achilles, and another set of rings through his wrists. She had her stretched so every time she moved it was nothing but pain. She's been like this for about a week.

Since Denim left that night three years ago Leilani hasn't been the same. At first was keeping a close eye on her helping her out with whatever but then after a month Denim went missing without a single trace. Leilani searched the whole country for her until they found her body in a trash can. She was dead, they said she overdosed on cocaine but Leilani knew that wasn't the case. She knew Shane had something to with her death so she killed off everybody who affiliated themselves with her including her parents. Leilani was a serial killer the police had a big interest in her but they couldn't link her to anything so they had nothing not even a parking ticket.

Leilani pushed away all her family and friends but Aria stayed no matter what. Leilani was depressed and angry at herself for not trying to do more to keep Denim safe.

Leilani pulled her sledge hammer from the wall of weapons and dragged it on the floor over to Shane. She injected her with something that would make her feel everything even more.

"Please." Shane whimpered already crying. Leilani shook her head.

"Didn't Denim say that? And what did you say again." Leilani got down getting in her face. "Take it bitch." She growled standing back up and swing the sledge hammer into her pelvis breaking it.

Shane screamed and Leilani felt a small weight being lifted off her shoulders.she did it again this time in her thigh breaking her leg. Shane had no other option but to scream and cry.

Leilani hit her one last time in the side of her chest cracking her ribs. Shane gasped and started coughing up blood. Leilani frowned.

"Awe I was having fun." She knew Shane was going to die very soon so she went over and pressed the button that tightened the chains. She listened and watched as the rings tore through her skin  she was struggling chocking on her own blood. Leilani stopped it when the rings were out and her tendons were dangling from them. Shane was dead now just a bloody mess.

Leilani wiped the sweat from her forehead leaving a trail of blood behind. She left the room and locked it behind her. She then continued out of the warehouse and got in her car. Leilani zoomed down the highway going no where in particular. She turned her radio on and she heard Denim screaming for her.

"Leilani, wake up, Leilani help me, Leilani please save me!" She heard Denim scream. It's like she was stuck in a trance because the next thing she saw was very bright headlights and a loud truck horn sounded.

Leilani jumped out of her sleep drenched in sweat. Her alarm which was Denim yelling at her to wake up was going off loudly. She heard car horns outside beeping loudly.

"What's wrong Lei?" She looked to her left and Denim was staring back at her.

"Uhm nothing, I just had the craziest dream." She said shutting her alarm off.

"Oh really, cuz me to it felt way to real, i woke up a few minutes ago." Denim said getting out of bed.

"What was yours about?" Leilani asked getting out of Denim's bed also.

"How bout we talk about that on our way to school we bout to be late." Denim said going into her closet.

Leilani looked to the door hearing loud banging. "Denim Lei, hurry up before we're late." Janay yelled through the door.

"Coming," Denim yelled back slipping on some joggers.

Leilani also started to get dressed when her phone dinged with a notification. She picked it up and it was a message from her mom.

'Don't forget to pack today after school, we're leaving tomorrow night.'

Leilani had a strange but strong feeling of deja vu. She was stuck for a moment before Denim grabbed her hand.

"Hey, you sure you ok." She asked intertwining thier fingers.

"Uhm yea ." Leilani said smiling brightly at Denim. "Wait hold on real quick."

Leilani grabbed onto Denim's waist and pulled their bodies close and connected their lips. They kissed for a moment and then Leilani pulled away letting her forehead rest on Denim's.

"I love you mi reina." She whispered against her lips. Denim smiled and blushed darkly.

"I love you to Leilani."

Well that's it y'all. I low key didn't want to end it but it had to be done. Love y'all 💕🤟🏾

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