I cant feel my face

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3rd person pov

Denim inhaled deeply as she tasted that familiar bitter taste in the back of her throat. Shane pulled her back making her lean into her chest. She blew out smoke as her hand traveled up and down Denims body in the water. Denim was to busy trying to keep her skin from melting off as her body temperature rose. Shane handed Denim her blunt and reached over to the side of the tub and put the  remaining cocain in a ziplock bag. She got back comfortable and took the blunt from Denim who was lost in a state of euphoria.

Shane smirked caressing all over her body. She leaned her head back blowing smoke between her lips. Denim felt like she was floating on air as her mind wandered freely. She felt free, free from Shane, this violent lifestyle, most importantly free from her damn self. She smiled as she lost feeling in her face.

Leilani walked into her hotel room exhausted. It was nearly 1 am when thier plane landed in New York. It took them 2 hours to get to thier hotel room. She kicked off her shoes and stripped down to her boxers and sports bra upon arriving in the bedroom. She locked the door behind her and fell face first onto the bed. She laid there patiently waiting for sleep to take over her mind. Unfortunately for her the only thing she could think of was Denim. She hoped that she would use her number soon.

She really wanted to hear her voice and make sure she was safe. She thought about what Aria said about just killing Shane and taking Denim. As much as she wanted to she knew it would cause drama she didn't want right now.

Her head popped up when she heard her phone beeping. She jumped up from her resting place on the soft mattress and searched her clothes pockets for her device. When she found it she hit accept and put the phone to her ear.

"Denim baby." She said anxiously.

"Last time I checked my name was Rose." She heard her mom say on the other end. She pulled the phone from her ear and felt her attitude go from excited to dreadful in a matter of seconds. It's not like she didn't love and respect her mothers she just didn't want to talk to them.

"Sorry mom yes." She said putting the phone back to her ear.

"I'm just making sure the deal in Chicago went well since your in New York."

"Yes it was fine." She said sighing and sitting back down.

"So who's Denim?" Rose asked smirking through the phone. She's not dumb she knows exactly who Denim is. She was going through Leilani's room once years ago and she found a notebook filled with poems and explict drawings of some girl named Denim. She did her research, of course she did her child was in love with her. Rose knows Denim better than Denim knows Denim

"Nobody ma" Leilani blushed at the mention of Denim.

"Is she your girlfriend." Rose asked knowing Leilani was as red as a Crayola.

"Uhh, i gotta go uhm, mop the dishes love you bye." Leilani said quickly hanging up trying to avoid further embarrassment. She could feel her face burning.

Rose on the other hand laughed uncontrollably at her daughters words. Leilani got up and gathered her clothes from her suitcase preparing for her shower.

Denim laid in bed wide awake. Her high was gone and her reality was creeping up on her. She unwrapped Shane's nude body from hers gently and rolled out of bed. Before she could take a step away from the bed she heard Shane speak

"Where are you going?" She questioned sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Bathroom." Denim glanced back over her shoulder before making eye contact with the ground once again.

"Hurry up." Shane said watching Denim scurry into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. Shane sighed rubbing her temples. She badly missed the old Denim. The Denim who wasn't afraid to talk back or even argue with her. She missed the way they used to bond, back when they could hold a conversation without Shane getting mad and Denim busting out in tears. Shane knew there was no one to blame for all this but herself. Her actions caused Denim to fear her more than she loved her. Shane didn't want the woman she loved to be afraid of her, all she wanted was the same love back.

Denim walked out the bathroom after cleaning her self up. She spent most of the time looking for her jeans so she could find that girls number. She came up empty handed so she pretended to flush the toilet and wash her hands. She crawled in her side of the bed avoiding eye contact with Shane who was glaring holes into her head.

Denim laid on the edge of the bed facing away from Shane. She didn't want any trouble she just wanted sleep. Shane grew frustrated as Denim laid as far as possible from her. She reached across the bed and grabbed Denim by the waist and began pulling her closer to the center of the bed. As she did so her heart sunk as she heard little cries from Denim. Shane frowned she wasn't trying to hurt her, she just didn't want them separated like that.

"What's wrong?" Shane said moving between Denim's legs and wrapping her arms securely around her waist. She was shaking and Shane could feel it.

"N-nothing," Denim mumbled trying to calm down. She was scared she never knew with Shane. She was trying to prepare herself for the worst.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Shane whispered kissing all over her stomach. She rolled her eyes when Denim tensed up. She took a deep breath and laid her head just under Denim's breast.

"Just go back to sleep." She mumbled more for herself trying to control her temper.

Denim scanned the room with her eyes not being able to sleep. She saw the pants she was wearing on the other side of the room. She looked down knowing Shane wasn't letting her go anytime soon. She'll just have to try again tomorrow.

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