Chapter 6

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Fun Fact: Your Earlobes line up with your nipples

"I Am Not A Prostitute" ranked #4 in Romance for about 30 seconds the other day....that's pretty cool.

Also, Wattpad messaged me and told me that my writing is too "mature" for young readers so they permanently labeled "I Am Not A Prostitute" as mature this morning, so I think that means it is unable to be ranked?? Fuck you Wattpad, I can write book porn if I want to.


Afanas's POV:

She was still the same beautiful feisty Calla, that much was clear. But her constant attraction to getting herself in trouble was becoming an issue. Months ago, after we saved Calla from the Bratva gang, we welcomed the man who helped us save Calla into the Russian Mafia family.

Sebastian. He had proved to be helpful to us, he allowed us to make contact with Calla after she had been taken, which allowed us to track the phone and save her.

Sebastian had been keeping an eye on Calla lately, at the request of Sinister, keeping us in the loop and informed on the reckless acts Calla seemed keen on accomplishing.

Her jumping off the bridge while intoxicated  was the first strike, her openly threatening a member of the family was the second strike, and her getting shitfaced in a club full of horny men and shooting a member of the family in the leg was definitely the third strike.

Sinister told me to knock some sense into her. And that is exactly what I plan on doing.

After her call with Sinister she went into her room to shower, so I sat on the couch of her apartment, the weight of my pistol in my jacket pocket was a friendly reminder that I could always threaten her into being compliant.

I glanced behind me to see Callas friend trudging into the living room. Her hair was went from a shower, and she wore baggy grey sweatpants and a faded t-shirt.

She was fairly attractive. with pale skin and brown hair that shone. She had wide green eyes, and her body was full and mature.

I got to know her pretty well when I carried her drunk ass out of the club. She was talkative when she was intoxicated, she told me all of her favorite foods, sex positions, and brands of tequila. She was heavy enough as it was, but she wanted to play "rocketship" while I was trying to carry her. Which meant her trying to climb up my body and jump into the air.

It was not a fun game.

She stared at me as she slumped into the couch.

She reminded me of Carly, an old girlfriend I had. We had broken up when she went back to working the clubs as a stripper. I didn't want to be in a relationship with a woman that showed her body to anyone with a coupon to the Cheesecake Factory, so we broke up.

"Hey, you look like Jason Borne, but the Russian version." She said plainly, her big green eyes looking me up and down.

"And you look like Melissa McCarthy." I retorted, pulling out my phone.

she scrunched up her face, "I'm THICC, not FAT." She growled.

It was true, she wasn't fat. But she wasn't tiny like Calla, she had much bigger boobs, and a bigger ass.

"Who are you anyway? I don't recall Calla ever mentioning a Russian man coming to violate our privacy" She asked, her face was scrunched up in confusion as she stared at my expensive profile.

"A friend of Calla's. If you don't recall, I'm also the man that saved your life." I said, not looking up at her as I texted Sinister.

"You're not that asshole Sinister, are you?"

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