Chapter 26

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Fun fact...

Having sexual relations with a Porcupine is illegal in Florida.

Not sure why that's a fun fact, but there ya go

Calla's POV:

This fucking dress is pissing me off. I feel like I just took a personality test, and my result was: Bipolar Cunt.

I wrung out my wet hair, and slipped the light blue dress over my shoulders. It's tight fit clung to my damp body, like a piece of fucking scotch tape.

I grabbed some of Sinisters cologne and sprayed it over myself. Hehe, now I smell like my husband.

There was a knock at the door. It's probably Sinister coming to drag me downstairs to have dinner with his painfully good looking, and awkward family.

"One second, whore!" I called out, brushing my lashes with mascara.

There was another knock.

" You dildo, I'll be right there. I'm just trying to look like I didn't just go swimming in a pond of fucking UGLY !!!"

I expected at least a chuckle, but all he did was knock again.

I threw my head back, groaning, before I stopped towards the door, and pulled it open.

"Just because you're my hu-"

I froze.

That wasn't my husband. His tall frame took up the entire door, his tan skin was dark in the doorway. His dark hair was neatly combed and slicked back. His murderous-blue eyes shimmered like daggers as he stared at me like a lion about to pounce.

I opened and closed my mouth, searching for words. Searching for something to scream. But my thoughts had grabbed all of my words and burned them into ash. So all I could do was stare, my mouth wide open, without words or screams.

"Calla, it's great to see you again." His voice was rough like sandpaper, the evil glint in his eyes made me take a step back.

My legs quivered, skin went cold and damp in fear.

"What...what are you doing here?" I found my voice, and I tried to sound confident and strong. But it came out as a scared whisper, like a little girl hiding under her sheets, cowering from the monster in her dreams.

But this monster was real. And he stood so close, that I could smell the burning aftershave that made my eyes water.

"Well this is my house, isn't it?" He smiled, but his eyes were cold.

I tried to move, but my legs were frozen like ice. My heart slammed against my chest like a drum, and I couldn't move. I felt paralyzed.

"Come with me, we don't want to be late for dinner, now do we?" He extended a tan hand, his hands were so big, that I was positive he could break my neck with a single movement.

I made a whimper, my throat tightening up in absolute fear and terror.

He was about to take a step towards me, when I heard Sinister.

"Get the fuck away from her!" He yelled, his footsteps getting louder, like thunder, as he flew into my room, and shoved Luka away from me.

Sinisters iced eyes were wide, his chest rising and falling with terror-stricken anxiety. He stood in front of me, blocking me from Luka.

Sounds of people flooded into the room, and suddenly Afanas stormed into the room, followed by two men I had never met.

I watched the glint of guns flash through my vision, and every man except for Luka was holding a gun, the weapons all pointing at the unwanted guest.

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