Chapter 33

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Sinister's POV:

"Afanas was born in the same hospital as me, on the same day. I was born 6 minutes before him. He was a good man, a loyal friend, and a fierce brother. Like many of us, he never truly had a family. I think that's why he loved the mafia, because we are a true family, perhaps not the most appropriate family, but family nevertheless"

"As I'm sure all of you know, Afanas loved drugs. He'd always joke with me, and say that drugs may hurt you, but they'll never break your heart. But something inside of him, had always been hurting him, he wanted more in life. He wanted to do more with his life. He had this constant void in his life, that he filled with drugs and guns. He may have seemed like an emotionless killing machine to some of you, but trust me when I say this, he felt more than any of us.

"He risked his life for Calla. When there was a gun raised to my wife's head, he jumped in front of it. Men like us like to think we're immortal. We commit crimes, because it's what we do. We endure these crazy lives, with no thought or care to dying. Death comes to us all; but the only control we have over death, is when to face it. Afanas chose to die a brave man, a proud man, and a selfless man. To die for someone else, is the world's most unpayable debt.

"Afanas had a quote tattooed to himself: "You are a lie, and I am the truth." And he believed in this quote very much. Life is a beautiful lie that everyone chooses to live and believe, and Death is that evil truth that people refuse to accept. Death is the only truth in this world, and people live their lives, believing and relying on the concept of Life, so much so, that they completely forget the raw truth of Death: It comes to everyone. Afanas knew he would die one day, I know he is proud that he died for something worth living."

I took in a final shaky breath, "I was born 6 minutes before Afanas...but he will always be my big brother. He has given me a life worth living, worth fighting for, and worth loving. I will carry a part of him with me forever, may he rest in peace, a friend, lover, and brother."

I tried my best not to cry. I was standing in front of hundreds of men who looked up to me.

My legs felt shaky as I stepped down from the podium, and took a seat in the front row, next to Calla and Sebastian.

Rachel was hysterical, sobbing into Calla's arms. She had just lost the man she loved.

Calla hadn't said anything. Her big blue eyes were lifeless. Her skin was cold, and her eyes had shadows clung to them.

She stood up, and I watched in shock as she made her way to the front of the room.

She glanced around the room, watching as hundreds of men stared at her. But she had no fear in her eyes, only deamination as she spoke

"Over a year ago, I was sold into this Mafia, as I'm sure you're well aware. Afanas was the one who had taken me, and sold me. He might have been the one who took me, but he was the first man who showed me kindness."

She looked at the casket, " You showed me mercy and friendship. You showed me strength. You showed me laughter and beauty. You ended your life for mine, because you thought yours wasn't worth living. But let me tell you, that if I had the chance to take that bullet, I would have. You had so much more to do with your life, you were so young. You and Rachel could have gotten married, and had little baby Afanas's running around. I'm sorry that you died. But let me tell you, you are loved, Afanas. You never said goodbye, and you were gone before I fucking knew it. If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died. Because goddammit let me tell you, you are so fucking loved. You are my friend. It breaks my heart to lose you, but you didn't go alone. A part of me went with you that night.

"You helped me face my fears. I love you Afanas. I hope you raise hell wherever you are, smoke all the weed, and snort all of the cocaine you find. You were something too beautiful to stay in a world of the ordinary. I'll see you someday soon, angel."

Calla's voice was shaky, as she glanced back at the coffin behind her, where Afanas lay. She pulled out a pair of earrings from her pocket, and I recognized them instantly.

They were the ruby earrings he gave to her on our wedding day, I remember how hard I laughed when he had the word Suka engraved into them.

"Rest easy, suka." She whispered, laying the jewelry in the coffin.

I felt my heart breaking as I watched the scene unfold before me. I held back those tears that burned my eyes, and I let myself become completely numb.

Rachel sobbed in her seat, her body trembling as Calla walked over to her and embraced her. Rachel sobbed into Calla's black dress, her hands gripping onto the cloth for dear life as she cried.

The room was quiet, the only sounds to be heard was of Rachel sobbing her heart out. My men all looked down, hundreds of faces looking at the ground, trying to hide the sadness that I knew they all felt.

Afanas was a friend to us all. A good man, who put my happiness and Calla's life, before his own.

I'll never be the same again. I lost a best friend, a brother. It wasn't something that could be corrected, or taken back. It was death. And death is the one thing in life, that you can't take back.

I never believed in Heaven, or a greater place that people go to when they die. But I sure as hell wished there was a place like that for Afanas, I hoped that there was a better place for him, a place where he could live his life in happiness and content. A place where drugs don't hurt you, a place where people don't kill, a place where he could be with his loved ones.

I knew Afanas wouldn't want people crying over him. He was never the kind of man to dwell on sadness. I knew, if he had it his way, his funeral would be a party, with strippers, alcohol, and endless drugs.

I hope he's happy, wherever he is. And it's that hope that I have, that will keep me living.


I know you guys are upset, and believe me, I am too.

But books are supposed to make you feel. They're supposed to be an emotional roller coaster that keeps you guessing, and sitting on the edge of your seat.

I've never wanted my books to be cliché. Books are supposed to be beautiful, raw, sad, happy, funny, and exciting.

I love you guys.

What're your thoughts? Feelings? Opinions?

Speak freely, I want to hear what you have to say!!

Xx -Aleksei

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