Chapter 20

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Aleksei's not dead.

Studies show that men who buy their wives candy receive more sex.

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Calla's POV:

"FREEEEEEDOM!!!" Rachel screamed as she cannonballed into the pool.

"THAT WAS A BORDERLINE MEDIOCRE CANNONBALL!!!!" I yelled at her, paddling over to the side of the pool and pulling myself out of the water.

"You're a liar." She muttered, pulling her hair into a wet bun, "at least you look like a supermodel, damn mama you look good."

I laid down in a chair, pulling sunglasses over my eyes, "thanks cutie."

"This house is fucking huge, it must have its own zipcode." Rachel skipped over and sat down next to me

I hummed in agreement.

"Calla, it's been a week since you moved into this house, and you've had me over everyday. What's up with you and Sin? Is he not satisfying your needs? Do you need me to satisfy your needs? I'm a great lover."

I grinned at her, "No babe. Sinisters just...busy lately."

It's true, ever since we moved into this palace, Sinister had been crazy busy. He'd leave early in the morning and come back late at night. The only sign of him having actually come home at night, was the wet towel he left on the knob each day from his showers.

"Okay" She wrung her hair out "We've already watched all the Harry Potters, Star Treks, Star Wars, Avengers, and we've seen Pretty Woman twice. And we've played golf 5 times, and swum in the pool everyday. Our last resort is the gym, and you know...I'm not about to do that."

I frowned, "And your point is?"

She threw her head back, "I'M FUCKING BORED!!!"

"Well maybe if you actually spent the night here instead of leaving me every day before dinner, I'd say we could do something more fun."

Rachel has yet to sleep over, every day she had been leaving my house early, and would come back the next day. It was really bothering me because I wanted to have a slumber party, and I haven't had a fucking slumber party.

She glanced away from me, "Oh, sorry..."

I stared at her, "Where have you been going everyday?"

Her green eyes flickered to the floor, "I've been seeing a friend."

I frowned, "I'm your only friend."

She adjusted the strap on her bikini, "not true. I have Jesus, and Dr. Phil. And Dr. Phil told me he's always there for me."

I stared at her, "Rachel, c'mon, just tell me."

She ducked her head low, and I watched as her skin flushed into a deep crimson. Her brown hair, now light from the sun, hid her big, guilty looking eyes.

"I'm seeing a guy, sort of." she said slowly, still not willing to look at me.

I frowned, who the hell was she seeing? Rachel didn't really know anybody.

"Who?" I pulled my sunglasses off, and stared, forcing her to raise her wide, green eyes.

"Is it Sebastian?" I asked.

She frowned, "What? No."


"I wish."

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