Chapter 43

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13 days until christmas, I'm so pumped. What are all of your plans???

This chapter is quite interesting...

Sebastian and I were currently on our way to visit Rachel. Sinister had to stay back for a few hours to discuss financial matters with the Senator and some of his advisers. He said he would meet us at the airport after our visit with Rachel.

It wasn't a long drive, only an hour or so, but being stuck in a car with silent body guards and Sebastian...was driving me crazy.

Seabass was currently utilizing the Rolls-Royce's impressive sound system, and blasting Queen. Normally, I wouldn't mind the choice of music, because I'm obsessed with Queen, but Sebastian's singing skills were awful.

Something about the whole 194 pound, muscular, 6"3 Mafia man screaming Freddy Mercury tunes in a high pitched voice, made me lose a little respect for the guy.

"Okayyy." I rolled my eyes, grabbing Sebs phone and turning down the volume.

His face fell, "Why you do me like that?"

I shoved him, "Don't be dramatic. It's for the common good. Your singing felt like one massive gangbang in my head."

He looked sad, his light hazel eyes grazing the floor of the car.

I smirked, pulling out my phone to see if Rachel had texted me surprise; she hadn't.

I cursed under my breath, clicking off my phone.

"What?" Seabass grinned, "did your pornhub membership expire?"

"No, I ran outta money on Webkinz." I joked.

Sebastian chuckled, tapping away on his phone.

I think a surprise visit would be a good thing for Rachel. I think being in the company of people that she loved and cared about, would do her some good. I prayed that she didn't still blame me for Afanas's death. I needed her to know that it wasn't my choice, I never wanted that to happen, and I'll be spending the rest of my life aching in regret and complete and utter guilt.

She deserved happiness. More than I did, and it hurts to know that she'll never be the same as she was before that night.

Sounds of moaning and groaning pulled me from my thoughts.

My eyes flashed up to Sebastian who was staring hard at his phone, a small smile spread over his lips.

"Sebastian? Are you watching fucking porn?" I screeched.

His phone clicked off and he quickly shoved the device into his pocket. He glanced up at me, his eyes filled with amusement.

"No, Cal. I was watching a slime video."

"Then where'd the moaning come from?" I asked, my face stern.

"Some people just really love slime." He shrugged, his face light with humor and mischief.

I flicked him off, watching as the car pulled into the drive of a quaint country home.

It was brick and pretty, there was a beautiful white wood porch out front. Healthy green grass filled the lawn. trees lined the edges of the property, leading to a forest that surrounded the house.

I felt my heart thumping nervously in my chest as one of the guards opened the car door for me, and Sebastian and I stepped out.

"Well this is cute." Sebastian commented, stretching his arms and legs.

I hummed in agreement, motioning for the guards to stay with the car, as we made our way up the drive and towards the front door.

I rang the doorbell, standing next to Sebastian as we waited to be greeted.

I frowned as I heard the sound of a gun loading.

I turned to see Seabass loading his Glock .9mm pistol, and switching off the safety.

I glared at him, "What're you doing that for? It's just Rachel."

He shook his head, "I learned to always expect the worse." He hid the pistol in the folds of his jacket, still keeping his hand on the handle.

A few minutes passed by, and I was about to give up, I figured I could just come back in an hour or so.

We were just about to leave when suddenly the door flew open, and Rachel came into view.

She looked better than I had expected. When she left, she was an absolute mess, dark circles had clung to the bottom of her eyes, and her hair was dead and greasy, her skin had lacked color and was pasty and sticky looking.

This Rachel was completley different. Her face was flushed and full of color, her hair was healthy and bouncy. It looked like she had been working out, too. Small ripples of muscle appeared in her arms. She wore a baggy, oversized light blue sun dress, she was holding what looked to be a cassarole dish.

Her bright green eyes widened in suprise as she saw us, she looked as though she had frozen up, her mouth parted in shock as she just stood there.

"Hi Rach" I smiled softly "Sorry for the suprise visit, we were in town and wanted to see how you were doing..."

She swallowed, "Um, hey Cal, hi Seabass...listen, now's really not a good time."

I crossed my arms, "Then when is a good time, Rachel? You seem so awfully busy lately, you can't even return a text or call."

She pressed her lips together, "Come back in a few hours...please, now isn't a goo-"

Rachel was inturrupted by an older looking woman who appeared in the door. She had faded, dirty blonde hair, and wethered skin. She had wrinkles in the corners of her lips that pointed into a smile. She was probably Rachel's mom

"Rachel darling, who's there?" She glanced at Sebastian and I

"Oh, are you friends of Rachel? Hi, I'm her mother, Lisa."

I smiled politely at her and watched and she pushed past Rachel's arm, and opened the door for us, her smile was kind, her light eyes were warm and welcoming.

"I'm Calla and this is Sebastian." I smiled, my eyes flickered over to Rachel who looked overly concerned and pissed.

"Oh" Lisa chirped "Well, I can't believe Rachel has never mentioned you two! Come on in, we just finished baking lasagna!"

This bitch really never mentioned me?

She let us in the house, the warm smell of fresh baked lasagna and vanilla filled my nose. Rachels mouth was open, it was almost as though she wanted to say something, but she closed it as she glared between her mother and Sebastian and I.

Lisa hurried into the kitchen where the oven was going off, and Rachel was left standing awkwardly next to us.

"Well, I expected a warmer welcome from you, but whatever." I said slowly, my eyes scanning hers for any sign of emotion.

Her bright green eyes pierced the floor, her hands fidgeted by her sides as she played with the hem of her baggy dress.

"Well, Rachel. I'm so happy to see you, you're such a gracious host. You make me feel so welcome here!" Sebastian said sarcastically, his hand still in the folds of his jacket, brushing his gun.

"Sorry" She said lowly" "I wasn't expecting visitors. Maybe you guys should come back later..."

Sebastian laughed fakely, "Nah, Rachy. We're good here."

He then proceeded to waltz into the kitchen where Lisa had set out five plates.

Sebastian frowned, "Lisa, I see you've set out five plates. Will your husband be joining us?"

The woman paused to register Sebastian's words before letting out a laugh, her face red with mild amusement.

"Oh, goodness no, we've been separated for years. The extra plate is for Rachel's boyfriend."

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