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After preparing for work, I bid goodbye to Aunt Emerald. I'll be going on my way now to work. Being late is not part of the option, remember?

"Hop in." Cyan said and he was driving his car. I looked at him in distrust. Why is he letting me in his car?

He stared back at me and I was the first one to look away. Fine, let's make use of his kindness. At least I don't need to pay for the transportation. This is a big help for a homeless and penniless person like me. There's nothing bad with accepting kindness.

"Why are you being nice?" I asked when we were already in the road. I just couldn't control my mouth to mumble that out loud. I was suspicious okay?

The last time I remember, he was very indifferent towards me being a  temporary family member. I can still remember how he would look at me with such hate in his eyes. Why the sudden change of attitude? He's not being a psycho or anything, right? 

"Just tell me if you don't want to ride in my car. I'll gladly stop the car and let you go out."

For real. Does he really have to answer me in a sarcastic way every time? I know he wasn't fond o my existence but he could at least answer me properly. I snorted in annoyance. Gosh. Why is he always so rude? I doubt that he'll answer my questions properly. Is he stress with work? Does he have a problem?

If he does then can't he spare me from his wrath?

I just didn't talk anymore because I was dead sure I'll be receiving either a rude answer or a sarcastic one. Cyan is Cyan. I can't do anything about it if that's how he usually behaves.

"Drop me off at that building." I pointed at the company I was working at. Even at a distance, it was visible to the eyes.

"You work at M. Steels?" he asked and I looked at him.

"Would I tell you to drop me off at that building if I wasn't working there?" I gifted him a rude reply too. Just a little revenge.

I don't know if I was really a bad person but having said that to Cyan kind of given me satisfaction.

"Being sassy won't make you look cool." he said and opened the car door on my side.

I had to lay back further to let him reach the door without touching me. Why would he even open the door for me? It's too far away from him and I can do it on my own. He is really unpredictable. He pushes then he pulls later on.

"I drove you to work. Can't you at least have the courtesy of buying me coffee?" he uttered before I can go down his car.

My head turned at his direction and I raised my eyebrows. I would've fought with him about that driving me to work thing but I chose not to. Let's not start this day with bickering over petty things.

I can tolerate this much nonsense and rudeness.

"I have no money. Ask me for coffee when I get my paycheck." I said to dodge his request.

"Then accompany me to that coffee shop. It's the least you can do." he said and I wore a fake smile. Why is he trying to make me have coffee? I'm not in the mood to have one.

"I'll just accompany you and I'll go to work right away. Let's go." I said and closed his car door again. He drove us to the coffee shop just a few buildings away.

I followed him silently to the cafe and he went to the counter to order. I just stood beside him and did not utter a word. I'm just going to make him do his thing until he lets me go to work.

"Would you like to order something?" Cyan asked and I looked at him.

I wasn't up for a coffee but I remembered that my boss does. I also recalled the specific kind of coffee he likes. Might as well use Cyan to have a free coffee for my boss.

"Double shot espresso, no sugar, less milk and less ice." I smiled in triumph when the girl punched in the order.

"Here." Cyan handed me the coffee and I was jumping in joy on the inside.

Because of Cyan, I won't be needing to pay for the coffee for my boss. The company still didn't give me any money for the boss's coffee so yeah. It was a real deal.

Hera told me yesterday that she will be requesting the finance department to give me the money right away. She said there was a designated amount of money just for the CEO's coffee expenses.

"Why aren't you drinking it?" he asked and I snapped out of my imaginary celebration.

"I'll drink it in the company." I replied a lie.

"Okay. I'll drop you off and let you go to work." he said and we went back to the company.

I did not say anything and just let Cyan drive me back to the company. When we arrived, I just gave him a simple bow of respect and went inside the company. Before I rode the elevator, I made sure that Cyan was on his way. I pushed the button for the 12th floor and went to my office.

I put the coffee on top of the CEO's office. It was odd though that the name of the CEO wasn't even stated outside the door of his office. Unlike mine, it had my name and my position underneath.

Is he a private person?

Making a big deal out of it will not lead me to anything good so I checked my email for the CEO's schedule. Surprisingly, he did not have much on his shedule except two meetings with clients.

While browsing and checking the CEO's schedule, I gasped in surprise. He was scheduled to have a meeting with my brother today. How did my brother know my boss?

Now I'm feeling oddly anxious but I don't know the reason. My intuition is giving me the chills and I can't keep calm.

"Ms. Violet? This is Fiona from the front desk. The CEO is already inside the elevator so please quickly prepare his morning coffee." a sudden voice said from the small speaker on top of my table.

"The CEO is coming!" I whispered and stood up to fix myself. Hera gave me a heads up that the boss calls for his secretary right after he arrives to ask about his appointments.

I should be ready any time he calls. I got the checklist with his schedule and looked at myself on the small mirror. I look fine and composed. That's all that matters.

"Ms. Carter? Please proceed to my office." the CEO called and I smiled. This is it. I'm going to meet my boss.

I walked confidently to his office and knocked before entering. When I entered, a guy wearing a black suit was in his table and was standing with his back facing me.

I put on a smile and when he turned around, I was left in total shock and dropped the things I was holding.

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