Chapter 8

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I woke up in a cozy bed and a pleasing hotel room. I looked around an saw no one. I don't remember going to a hotel room, how the hell did I get here? I can clearly remember what happened yesterday and that I slept on the parking space.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened and revealed a hot piece of meat. The water running down his hair and on his abs.

"Like what you see?" The guy teased.

"Did we?" I asked him.

"Your thoughtful friend Veronica paid for the hotel room and she said to accompany you, and I did" He answered.

"That didn't answer my question" I said.

"Well you're not naked, you don't feel any pain in your lower part and you don't have any bruise or hickeys. So no" He elaborated and winked at me.

"Who are you again?" I asked him intently.

"I'm Jack Wilder" He said as he started to get dressed.

"Jack Wilder? like the one from 'Now you see me'?" I asked him ridiculed by his name.

"You're not the first one to tell me that" He stated.

"So you're saying that my enemy paid a hotel room and called a stranger who was named after a character from a movie to accompany me in a hotel-in one bed?" I stated and shot him an 'are-you-kidding-me?' look.

"I didn't appreciate any description you said"

Mrs.Lynn was discussing stuff about human anatomy but I wasn't paying attention. I turned my way to Veronica and saw her sleeping, she often slack off during classes. Not to be a hypocrite, I may not be listening but at least I'm doing great effort to stay awake.

My next class was history and it's both a bad and good news. Because I get to spent my free time with Kayla but I'll be beside Veronica. It bothers me a little that I swallowed my pride last night and tried to ask her to help me go home but she did rented a hotel room.

"Are you okay? you seem to be in deep thoughts" Kayla snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I can't stop thinking about last night" I told her, she knew because I messaged her as soon as I knew what happened.

"I told you she was nice" Kayla said and smiled sweetly at me.

"She helped me but that doesn't mean she's a good person" I snorted.

"You sure do know how to be grateful" Veronica sarcastically said as she suddenly appeared.

"I thanked you last night, I think that was enough" I defended, I don't want to look like a bad guy.

"I saved your life and that wasn't enough" She sneered back at me and I heard Kayla sighed.

"She's impossible" I groaned.

"I know" Veronica answered with an 'innocent smile'.

"Why can't you see this?" I turned to Kayla.

"See what? your rudeness?" Kayla asked genuinely confused.

"Again she's impossible" I groaned as I facepalmed.

"Again I know" She stated.

The substitute teacher walked in and started the lecture. I was trying to listen and pay attention but I cannot help myself from glancing at the girl beside me who's sleeping. I don't why, maybe because she's sleeping or because of what happened last night.

"You know sleeping in class is rude" I told her and nudged her, she looked at me in disbelief.

"You know what's more rude? disturbing a sleeping person" She snorted and went back to sleep.

"You are impossible" I stated.

"You won't be saying I'm possible anytime soon" She stated and I just rolled my eyes.

I walked out of the classroom with Kayla beside me, we decided to go to the mall. It's been awhile since I've went there. I'm usually the rebel type of girl. My mom and dad stopped me when I wanted to have piercings and color my hair but when they passed away, I was more pushed to do rebellious things like getting a tattoo, drinking alcohol everyday, going to clubs, sometimes getting high and sex. Though I've matured a bit but I still kept my piercings, tattoos, the club and sex.

"You shouldn't beat yourself about what happened last night" Kayla said concerned.

"I wasn't, I was just surprise that there's still someone to stand up for me without anything unnecessary in return" I admitted. I've never believed in good deeds, I always believed that every favour has something ask for something in return.

"There are still good people in the world, like me for example" She joked and I chuckled.

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